Welcome to International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & Humanities

E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671




Neeta Aeron

Volume: 3 Issue: 2 2013

Receiving Date: 2013-02-08 | Acceptance Date: 2013-03-27 | Publication Date: 2013-04-02


Percentages of different methods being adopted by the teachers teaching environmental studies in public and govt. schools of urban and rural area at primary level. First individual analysis has been done for govt. and public schools of Fatehabad distt. The table for above illustration is stated below in 1 to 2 respectively which is tested through percentage method. After that these all four areas i.e. govt., public, rural and urban area schools are analyzed simultaneously to find out the total percentage of teaching methods of E.V.S at primary level in Fatehabad distt. It’s interpretation has been done with reference to the fourteen units which the selected teachers of the sample taken from the above area usually teach in their classrooms

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