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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671



The Impact of Inspirational Leadership on Achieving Strategic Success: An Analytical Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Employees of the General Directorates at the Headquarters of the Iraqi Ministry of Education

Mahmood Mohamed Jassim, Dr. Adel Abdel Wadood Taher Al-Abbasi

Volume: 12 Issue: 4 2022


The research aims, through its chapters, to test the influence relationship between the inspiring leadership that is aware of its dimensions (future vision, self-confidence, empowering employees, managing change) as an independent variable, and strategic success as a dependent variable with its dimensions (specific strategy, effective implementation, motivational culture, continuous creativity), as well as the level of practice, attention, and adoption of inspiring leadership skills in the Ministry of Education, and based on the importance of the topic for the research community, its members, and the organization in question, the researcher adopted the exploratory analytical method to complete the research, by surveying the opinions of the sample represented by (section heads, division managers, and unit officials), and the sample was intentional, The sample whose opinions were to be surveyed included (161), the questionnaire was distributed to the sample and 154 views were obtained from it, and the questionnaire’s paragraphs represented by (41) were answered, and (2) of them were invalid and (5) were not retrieved, in addition To the structured and open interviews that were conducted with some sample members, in addition to a group of general managers and their assistants, whose number was (12), in addition to the researcher’s observations. In the field, as the researcher used a number of statistical methods to process the data, including (McDonald’s omega test, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, relative importance, Pearson correlation factor..etc), while the researcher relied on the program (26.Amos 26,SPSS V). ) to analyze the research data, and the most prominent results that resulted from the applied aspect of the research, which was represented by the weak adoption of leaders in the Ministry of Education of inspiring leadership practices, and the impact of their employment of the human resource in a positive way represented by the staff and cadres in them in order to reach strategic success, and the research concluded with a set of practical recommendations.

DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrssh.v12i04.003

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