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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671



The Rhetorical Structure in the Value Visibility in the Letters of Imam Al-Baqir “B”

Dr. Huda Saeed Badir Al-Amidi

Volume: 12 Issue: 4 2022


Among the clash of deviant ideas and dark forces’ struggle against the Muslim lands and in light of the unification of the enemy’s front and the division of the Muslim scattered between those who believe in the ongoing war, and between those who deny and those who reject the enemy’s front and those who clap for it, and between those who are weak and who do not have the right to benefit or harm themselves, there is the Imam of hearts who takes control of all, taking from the Qur’an a canal and a platform, making his weapon of knowledge and knowledge and his forehead of scholars and educated people, because war is a war of minds, a war of ignorance, obfuscation, distortion of facts and confusion of papers.

DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrssh.v12i04.004

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  • Shaymaa Mohammed Kadhim Al-Zubaidi ( 3- 4-2017).
  • 'Semantics', www.uobabylon.edu.iq .seen on 30.4.2019 freely. Abdulazeez Ateeq “Semantics” ,Cairo, Dar volume , st Al-Nahdha Al-Arabiyah ,P.25-26,1 freely .

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