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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671



Visionary Leadership and its Impact on Open Innovation: Analytical Research for a Sample of Senior Leaders in the Ministry of Science and Technology

Mohammed Jassam Mohammed, Dr. Mohsen Rashid Attabi

Volume: 12 Issue: 4 2022


The current research aims to test the impact of visionary leadership in achieving open creativity in the Ministry of Science and Technology in Baghdad, as well, From identifying the levels of availability and employment to be more appropriate to the reality of the creative development of the ministry and what is required of it in light of the current regulatory environment in Iraq, as well as for the higher management to invest external knowledge and technology and employ it in internal knowledge activities to respond to environmental changes and to keep pace with technical and technological development, the dimensions of visionary leadership were (Determining the direction, change agent, spokesperson, coach), and the dimensions of open creativity (inward-directed creativity activities, outward-oriented creativity activities), while the research problem emerged in asking a set of questions about the existence of a correlation and impact relationship between the research variables, and in light of that, a building A hypothetical model from which two main hypotheses and six subsidiary hypotheses emerged. The analytical descriptive approach in data analysis, and the dimensions were covered through (30) paragraphs included in the questionnaire. And (155) questionnaires were necessary for statistical analysis, and a purposive, stratified sample of (managers, assistants, heads of departments, people’s officials) working in the ministry was chosen. The data was analyzed using a set of statistical methods, as the results were extracted using computer programming (SPSS v.24, Excel, Amos v.24), and came out with a set of conclusions, the most important of which is the existence of a significant correlation between visionary leadership and open creativity. This helped to achieve good levels of open innovation in it.

DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrssh.v12i04.020

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