Welcome to International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & HumanitiesE-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671 IMPACT FACTOR: 8.561 |
Volume: 3 Issue: 2 2013
Physical activity rates have been shown to decline over the lifespan. In an attempt to combat this decline, researchers have been completing several types of studies in order to understand why this trend has been occurring. Descriptive studies attempt to understand more about the determinants of physical activity. The results of these studies have shown only weak to moderate correlations with physical activity. Intervention studies have also been completed to try to change behavior - many of which claim to use theory-based interventions. Although these studies may produce modestly successful results immediately post-intervention, long-term success has not been reported. Since many intervention studies claim to be theory-based but do not measure theoretical constructs, it is difficult to determine if the short-term change in behavior is due to the intervention or some other factor. It seems that an intermediate step between descriptive studies and intervention studies is lacking. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to complete a construct validation of a physical activity intervention on the subjects' knowledge and use of 8 self-regulation strategies: self-monitoring for PA, goal setting for PA, social support for PA, environmental aid for PA, self-reinforcement for PA, timemanagement for PA, self-efficacy for PA, and tailoring for PA.
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