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The Effect of Strategic Foresight on Achieving Strategic Entrepreneurship: Applied Research

Dr. Muthana Zahim Fisal, Dr. Haider Fadhel Kadhem

Volume: 13 Issue: 1 2023


The current research aims to determine the extent of interest of the Oil Products Distribution Company (OPDC) and its various departments in the process of strategic foresight (SF), and the extent of interest that is reflected in the achievement of strategic leadership (SE). As well as knowing the nature of the relationship and the impact on the company. To achieve the objectives of the research, one main hypothesis was formulated, and three sub-hypotheses emerged from it. As the research relied on an analytical survey approach, the research targeted the workers within this company, And he reached a set of results, based on which a number of conclusions were formulated. The research community consisted of (185) individuals, and (160) questionnaires were distributed to them, (153) of which were retrieved, and the number of good people reached (141). The current research indicates that there is a direct relationship and a positive effect of strategic foresight in strategic leadership, and the sub-variable (entrepreneurial mentality) had the highest influence in strategic leadership, as this research proved the existence of an influence relationship and the correlation between strategic foresight and strategic leadership.

DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrssh.v13i01.018

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