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The Relationship Between Iraqi EFL Learners’ Stress Coping Strategies, Self-Efficacy, and Language Learning

Hayder Hakim Abd Al-Khadhim, Tamadhur Okab Sarhan

Volume: 13 Issue: 3 2023


The investigation of the connection that exists between the manner in which students of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) deal with stress and their judgments of their own degree of self-efficacy was the objective of this thesis. In addition, the current research investigated the statistical link between the aforementioned two aspects and the level of language learning shown by the students. The participants in the research were drawn from a convenience sample consisting of one hundred and fifty Iraqi students who were studying English as a foreign language. Students attending these schools were enrolled in a wide range of academic programmes offered by Iraq's many educational establishments. Their ages ranged anywhere from 18 to 27, with the average being 27. They were in the process of earning an English degree at the time. The questionnaires Learners' Self- Efficacy Survey, which was designed and validated by Gahungu (2009), and Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS), which was designed and standardized by Endler and Parker, were given to the participants who were chosen to take part in the study, and they were asked to respond to both of the questionnaires. The first survey consisted of forty questions based on a Likert scale with five points, and the second scale consisted of forty-eight questions, with sixteen questions designed to measure task-oriented coping, sixteen questions designed to measure avoidance coping, and the final sixteen questions designed to measure emotion-oriented coping respectively. The same Likert scale was used in each of the questionnaires.

DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrssh.v13i03.009

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