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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671



Marginalization in Morison’s the Bluest Eyes

Hayder Hakim Abd Al-Khadhim

Volume: 13 Issue: 3 2023


The concept of race, community, Qabeela (Arabic) was originally introduced in the field of history only to make a convenient way to refer to groups of human beings in different geographic locations, not with the intention of separating human beings into different levels or groups. In the beginning there were some distinct reason why people liked to live in a group for safety and security from animals and sometimes from natural disasters, if they are in groups can help each other to come up from these difficulties, but gradually some distinct reasons took place and people chose group. Somehow these rotten beliefs have been deeply rooted in the mindset of the current generation for long. Discrimination on the basis of language, nationality, and color is still having its existence in many of cultured and so-called high-class people. Some writers turned their attention to raising these unending issues through their fictional and non-fictional works. Alice Walker, John Edger Wideman, Maya Angelou, Gloria Naylor, Ishmael Reed and Toni Morrison are some American writers who tried to give the glimpse of discrimination with African American people through their novels.

DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrssh.v13i03.010

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