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Policy and the Acquisition of the Second Language in Arabic-Speakers Countries; Iraq And Saudi Arabia as Examples

Suad Qahtan Hussien

Volume: 13 Issue: 3 2023


Acquiring English as a second language becomes essential for many reasons. Basically, because English is a universal language, moreover, the universe witnesses globalization which turns the whole universe into a small village because of the internet and the rapid expansion of technology, economics, tourism, and the like. However, the mother tongue, to a certain extent, refrains from the process of acquiring a foreign or second language because of several problems. One of these problems that play the controlling role is the policy since it determines and leads the citizens in any given society. In this paper, Iraq and Saudi Arabia, as two Gulf Arab States, have been examined as examples to show how policy plays the dominant role in enhancing the English language in their countries. Best Swiss replica watches online store offers uk cheap tag heuer super clone!

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DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrssh.v13i03.013

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