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Welcome to International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & HumanitiesE-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671 IMPACT FACTOR: 8.561 |
Interactive Marketing of Insurance Service and its Role in Customer Relationship Management: Applied Research in the Iraqi Insurance Company
Maha Kamel Jawad, Maha Abdul Razzaq Muhammad
Volume: 13 Issue: 3 2023
The aim of the research is to highlight the role played by interactive marketing of the insurance service in managing customer relations, and given the importance of these two variables in service organizations, especially the insurance sector, where this concept must be adopted by Al-Iraqiya. Insurance company to be able to achieve customer relationship management system. Research in its applied framework on the subject of interactive marketing as an "independent" variable with its dimensions (trust, commitment, interaction, communication and quality of service) and customer relationship management as a "dependent" variable with its dimensions (focusing on main customers, organizing relationships with customers and managing customer knowledge). , customer relationship management based on technology), and the degree of arranging these dimensions according to priority and the importance of the expected results, the researcher adopted the questionnaire as a tool for collecting data from the members of the Iraqi insurance company and its branches, and they numbered (386) respondents "from the employees of the company in question, and distributed (300) A questionnaire on the two workers, and (282) questionnaires subject to statistical analysis were retrieved, where the statistical program (SPSS V.28) was used to calculate (the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, relative importance, Cronbach's alpha coefficient, T-test, Pearson's correlation coefficient , determination coefficient R2, chi-square test, test F) The current study aims to attract new customers, acquire them, and retain existing customers, and maintain the reputation of the company in question, and increase its profits and sales through interactive marketing, or reject these hypotheses, and the results of the study showed precedence Variables, depending on the relative importance between (interactive marketing of insurance service and customer relationship management).
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