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Welcome to International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & HumanitiesE-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671 IMPACT FACTOR: 8.561 |
Humble Leadership (Subject Review)
Dr. Khaled Mahdi Saleh
Volume: 13 Issue: 3 2023
Purpose of current research to review one of most important subject of Humble Leader ship and investigate the details it's new relatively concept and explain its importance according to researchers in organizational behavior, in addition to clarification the dimensions of Humble Leadership according to researchers, the research reached to set of theoretical conclusions the most important of them was the humble leader characterizes with openness with workers and motivates them to sharing in decision making by giving the appropriate suggestions and useful information .
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- Yang.K,Zhou.L,Wang.Z,Lin.C.& Luo.Z,2019,' Humble Leadership and Innovative Behavior among Chinese Nurses: The Mediating Role of Work Engagement', Journal of Nursing Management, 27(8), 1801-1808.
- Bhatia.R& Bhatia.A,2020,'The Psychological Effect of Humble Leadership on Employee Turnover and Resilience', PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/.17(9),6827-6856.
- Cho.J,Schilpzand.P,Huang.L & Paterson.T,2021,'How and When Humble Leadership Facilitates Employee Job Performance: The Role of Feeling Trusted and Job Autonomy', Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 28(2),169-184.
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- Ye.X,2019,'Humble Leadership and Employee Performance: Examining a moderated –mediation model in 4th International Symposium on Management', Economics,E-Business and Marketing, 566-572.
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- Li.D,2021,'Linking Humble Leadership and Proactive Behaviors of Front line Service Employees in the Hospitality Industry: The Influences of Role-Breath Self-Efficacy', In2021 6th International Conference on Social Sciences and Economic Development, ICSS ED 2021, pp 715-721.
- Peng.A.C,Wang.B,Schoubroeck.J.M&Gao.R,2020,'Can Humble Leaders get results?The Indirect and Contextual Influences of Skip-Level Leaders', Journal of leadership & Organizational Studies,27(4),pp329-339.
- Xi.J.Li,Xi.Q.Z.Liang & Zhang.Z.Zhen,2016,'The Effect of Humble Leader Behavior ,Leader Expertise, And Organizational Identification on Employee Turnover Intention', The Journal of Applied Business Research,vol32,No4
- Owens.B.P& Mitchell.T.R, 2013,'Experessed Humility in Organizations: Implications for Performance ,Teams and Leadership', Organization Science, 24(5): 1517-1538.

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