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Welcome to International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & HumanitiesE-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671 IMPACT FACTOR: 8.561 |
Volume: 7 Issue: 3 2017
Gerontology refers to the scholarly investigation of ageing, the ageing process, and the unique challenges of the elderly. The word Gerontology was coined by Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov in 1903 thereafter this hypothesis became widely famous. In the postmodern literature, this word can be examined within the theoretical framework of Disability studies. Changes in a person's body, mind, and social life as they get older; this is what gerontology examines. Research into how our nation's ageing population has altered our culture. Using this information to inform decisions and initiatives. Because of gerontology's interdisciplinary nature, many different types of experts use the term "gerontologist" to describe themselves. Humanistic and psychoanalytic approaches, as well as comparative studies of literary attitudes towards ageing, have all shed light on the subject of ageing in literature. The literature also features increased investigation of age and ageing narratives through the use of narrative methods. There is a growing consensus that the study of ageing is crucial to comprehending the nuances of old age.
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- Kooij, D. T., Tims, M., & Kanfer, R. (2015). Successful aging at work: The role of job crafting. Aging workers and the employee-employer relationship, 145-161.
- Katz, S. (2013). Active and successful aging. Lifestyle as a gerontological idea. Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques, 44(44-1), 33-49.
- Larsen, C. A., & Dejgaard, T. E. (2013). The institutional logic of images of the poor and welfare recipients: A comparative study of British, Swedish and Danish newspapers. Journal of European Social Policy, 23(3), 287-299.
- Martinson, M., & Berridge, C. (2015). Successful aging and its discontents: A systematic review of the social gerontology literature. The gerontologist, 55(1), 58-69.
- Martin, P., Kelly, N., Kahana, B., Kahana, E., Willcox, B. J., Willcox, D. C., & Poon, L. W. (2015). Defining successful aging: a tangible or elusive concept? The Gerontologist, 55(1), 14-25.
- Phoenix, C., & Smith, B. (2011). Telling a (good?) counterstory of aging: Natural bodybuilding meets the narrative of decline. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 66(5), 628-639.
- Penningroth, S. L., & Scott, W. D. (2012). Age-related differences in goals: Testing predictions from selection, optimization, and compensation theory and socioemotional selectivity theory. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 74(2), 87- 111.
- Rozanova, J. (2010). Discourse of successful aging in The Globe & Mail: Insights from critical gerontology. Journal of aging studies, 24(4), 213-222.
- Small, B. J., Dixon, R. A., McArdle, J. J., & Grimm, K. J. (2012). Do changes in lifestyle engagement moderate cognitive decline in normal aging? Evidence from the Victoria Longitudinal Study. Neuropsychology, 26(2), 144.
- Salthouse, T. A. (2012). Adult cognition: An experimental psychology of human aging. Springer Science & Business Media.
- Victor, C. R. (2013). Old age in modern society: A textbook of social gerontology. Springer.
- Wiener, J. M., de Condappa, O., Harris, M. A., & Wolbers, T. (2013). Maladaptive bias for extrahippocampal navigation strategies in aging humans. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(14), 6012-6017.
- Wada, M., Clarke, L. H., & Rozanova, J. (2015). Constructions of sexuality in later life: Analyses of Canadian magazine and newspaper portrayals of online dating. Journal of Aging Studies, 32, 40-49.
- Zeng, Y. (2012). Toward deeper research and better policy for healthy aging–using the unique data of Chinese longitudinal healthy longevity survey. China economic journal, 5(2-3), 131-149.
- Zeilig, H. (2011). The critical use of narrative and literature in gerontology. International Journal of Ageing and Later Life, 6(2), 7-37.
- Zeilig, H. (2014). Dementia as a cultural metaphor. The Gerontologist, 54(2), 258-267.

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