Welcome to International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & Humanities

E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671





Volume: 8 Issue: 1 2018


One of the most cutting-edge and technologically-advanced methods of imparting knowledge of the English language to students and bolstering their chances of success in the field of language education is the use of multimedia tools and resources. Many educators, scholars, and professionals increasingly recognise the need of incorporating various forms of technology into the language-learning process. Because of these fresh methods, learning a new language is now more fruitful, efficient, and communicative than ever. Despite the fact that many educators lack the necessary technical expertise to make full use of these tools, they are available at the classroom level. As a result, this article explores the perspectives of educators on using ICT into language classes. Therefore, the definitions of various significant phrases that correlate to modern technologies such as Multimedia, ICT are provided. Additionally, some observation of the feasibilities to use Multimedia applications for effective learning of English is to be ventured. Furthermore, the perspectives of students using Multimedia tools to study English will be elucidated in this research.

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