Welcome to International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & Humanities

E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671




Dr Pulapalli Venkataramana

Volume: 7 Issue: 3 2017

Receiving Date: | Acceptance Date: | Publication Date: 20/08/2017


The Government of India declared seeds as an essential commodity under the Essential Commodities Act, 1955. The Indian Seed Act, 1966 provided a general policy and institutional framework for supply of seeds to agriculture. The basis objective of the Act is to regulate the quality of seeds and notify various varieties of seeds by the central government with clear certification. At the state level, various State Seed Certification agencies are authorised with rigorous seed standards through complex field inspections and laboratory testing. Thus the seed production and supervision had been mostly done by the public sector. There could also be private sector seed companies earlier with insignificant role. Hence, the government of India has brought out a penalty provision under the Essential Commodities Act. Under clause 'BC Accordingly, Seed Control Order 1983 was promulgated and that came into effect from July 1, 1994 after prolonged legal challenges by seed dealers associations. In accordance with the provisions of the Seed Act 1966, Central Variety Release Committee (CVRC) is to be constituted for approval of seed varieties and cultivars. Inspite of these measures, there had been persistent shortage of seed varieties resulting in dearth of food grains in the country during 1960s. This has forced the government to adopt the New Agricultural Strategy (NAS) with High Yielding Varieties of Seeds. As a part of this strategy, production and distribution of seed varieties were undertaken by the public sector. Thus the public sector seed industry was the major player which undertook breeding and multiplication. During the early decades, the presence of private sector was negligible.

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  • PPV & FR Authority Official Website www.plantauthority.gov.in.
  • In Arunachal! Pradesh, at the Donyi - Polo Temple in Along, there is a portrait of a woman credited with the introduction of Rice into cultivation.
  • M.S. Swaminathan, 'Unsung guardians of food security' The Hindu (Hyderabad Edition) February, 17, 2007, Editorial Page, Central Page article.
  • Clause 5 of PPV 8i FR Act 2001.
  • Clause 22 of PPV 8i FR Act 2001.
  • Philippe Gullet, 'Revision of the TRIPS Agreement concerning the protection of plant varieties: Lesson from India concerning the Development of a Sui Generis System' Vol 2, Journal of World Intellectual Property (1999), P617 32.
  • The Hindu, August 6, 2002.
  • Mike Adcock, 'Farmers Rights' The Hindu July 20, 2002.
  • Seed Bill (2010) 'Preamble'. This Bill is an improved version of seed bill 2004. The Bill is referred to a select committee of Indian Parliament.
  • Latha Jishnu, 'Seeds of Strife' Down to Earth. August 16-31, 2010, Pp 9-12.
  • Plahe, Jagjit Kaur (2009) The Implications of India's Amended Patent Regime: Stripping away food security and Farmers' Rights)' Third World Quarterly, Vol 30, No.3, Pp. 1197- 1213.
  • Deepthi Elizabeth Kolady, David J. Spielman and Anthony Cavalieri, 'The impact of seed Policy Reforms and Intellectual Property Rights on Crop Productivity in India,' Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2012.
  • Sangeeta Verma and MS Sidhu, op. cit, Pp. 76-79.
  • Aldas Janaiah, EENADU Telugu Daily, Sept. 27, 2008 Page - 4.
  • Ruchi Tripathi, 'Implications of TRIPS on Livelihoods of Poor Farmers in developing Countries'. Action Aid report, Switzerland, 2000 Pp. 4 -7
  • Latha Jishnu, 'What Durban did not Discuss' IPRS and blocking access to mitigation and adaptation technologies: India offers a way out' in Down to Earth, Jan 1-15, 2012, Pp. 55.

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