Welcome to International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & Humanities

E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671




Dr. Pulapalli Venkataramana

Volume: 6 Issue: 3 2016


Agriculture Policy has experienced a number of changes during the last two decades. This is due to liberalisation and globalization of Indian Agriculture. These policy changes are initiated in the later years of 1980's and early years 1990's, but are accelerated during later years of 1990's with India's joining in WTO. Among other important policy changes that occurred, include, India has recognised the importance of intellectual property rights to protect plant varieties. The new IPR regime has brought two important and far reaching changes in India. Firstly, the scope of the IPR regime is widened and secondly the rights of the owners of intellectual property made stronger. The extension of IPR regime to agriculture on improved varieties of plants is considered as widening the ambit of IPRs. The Agreement on TRIPs required the countries to introduce either new patent regime or an affective Seri generis system on plant varieties. All the member countries have to legislate laws pertaining to the protection of Plant Breeder Rights (PBR's) which are internationally recognized through UPOV (International Union for the protection of new plant varieties)¹. Normally, farmers develop new varieties of plants and in some cases; farmers provide source material to the Breeders for the development of new varieties. Hence, there is a need to balance between the Plant Breeders Rights (PBR's) and farmers rights. The TRIPs agreement in conformity with UPOV 1991 conventions claim to have made this balance.

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  • An international agreement for administrating the rules on plant variety protection, named after its French acronym UPOV (Union International Pour la protection des Obtentions Vegetables) or the International Union for the protection of New Varieties of Plants. UPOV was signed in 1961 and came into force in 1968. The applied version of this convention was UPOV 1978 and a revised version in UPOV 1991. The. objective of UPOV is to grant certain exclusive rights to plant breeders who develop new varieties of plants.
  • Section 27(1), 27(2), 27 (3) (b) of the TRIPs Agreement of WTO.
  • Biswajit Dhar & C. Niranjan Rao, 'Patent breeders and Farmers in the New Intellectual Property Regime: Conflict of Interests' Centre for study of Global Trade system and Development 1997, New Delhi, pp. 4-8.
  • Kalpana Sastry .R, 'The changing role of Consumer Guidance Societies in the Post TRIPs era with special reference to Indian Agriculture.” Paper submitted in a workshop on 'Opportunities and challenges in Globalisation of Agriculture and allied sectors in Andhra Pradesh' held on 19 June 2006 at Hyderabad.
  • K.K. Mustafah, 'The Rice is Right' an article published in the Hindu, Feb 3, 2013 (Hyderabad). In fact an organisation called 'Edathana Kurichiya tharavadu' at Edathana near VALAD has a rare collection of germ plasma. The chieftain of the organisation Achappan Vaidyar says that they follow a type of barter system and each farmer has to return the quantum of seeds with some addition after the harvest.
  • Revathi E. and Ramana Murthy RV, 'Changing Seed Policy. Law and Regulation: An appraisal of the Emerging Seed Markets in Andhra Pradesh' governance and Police Spaces (GAPS) project, CESS, Hyderabad, June, 2005, Pp. 2-15.
  • Nair, M.D., 'GATT. TRIPS. WTO and CBD - Relevance to Agriculture'. Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, Vol 16, March 2011, Pp. 178-179.
  • Sangeeta Verma and Sidhu M.S., 'Impact of Intellectual Property Rights on the Indian Seed Industry', Man and Development, March 2009.
  • PPV & FR Authority Official Website www.plantauthority.gov.in.
  • In Arunachal Pradesh, at the Donyi - Polo Temple in Along, there is a portrait of a woman credited with the introduction of Rice into cultivation.
  • M.S. Swaminathan, 'Unsung guardians of food security' The Hindu (Hyderabad Edition) February, 17, 2007, Editorial Page, Central Page article.
  • Clause 5 of PPV 8i FR Act 2001.

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