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Welcome to International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & HumanitiesE-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671 IMPACT FACTOR: 8.561 |
Dr. T.Brahmanandam
Volume: 1 Issue: 2 2011
This document provides a comprehensive review of the contemporary research and discourse on the empowerment of Dalit women in India. It delves into the intersection of replica uhren deutschland feminism with the experiences of Dalit women, examining the challenges, progress, and complexities of their socioeconomic and political circumstances. The review encompasses a diverse range of sources, offering insights into the convergence between feminist discourse and Dalit reality, discrepancies in the portrayal of Dalit women within the community and women's rights movement, and the need for a thorough understanding of the challenges faced by Dalit women. It also highlights the harrowing experiences of Dalit women, emphasizing the intersectional nature of their oppression, where caste, gender, and economic vulnerabilities intersect to perpetuate their marginalization. The document discusses the historical and legal context, legislative milestones, and the need for support mechanisms to establish and uphold the rights of Dalit women, ultimately contributing to social change for the wider Indian society. Furthermore, it emphasizes the imperative need for a holistic strategy, including legislative interventions, educational programs, economic prospects, and cultural change to empower Dalit women.
- Ammu Josep (2004). Touch Me, Touch Me Not: Gender, Caste, and the Indian Women's Movement (Review Article). Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 33, (6). pp. 654-657.
- Bandhu, Pranjali. Dalit Women’s cry for liberation: My Rights are Rising like the Sun, will you deny this sunrise? Edited in AnupamaRao.“Caste and Gender, kali for Women”, NewDelhi.2003. Pp. 109-110
- Fraser, Erik. The Dalits of India: education and Development. http://www.e-ir.info/2010/06/23/the-dalits-of-india-education-and-development/Accessed on 22/11/2009.
- Guru, Gopal. (2000). Dalits from margin to margin. India International Centre Quarterly, Vol. 27(2). Pp. 111-116.
- Manorama. Ruth. Background information on Dalit women in India, http://www.rightlivelihoodaward.org/fileadmin/Files/PDF/Literature_Recipients/Manorama/Background_Manorama.pdf. Accessed on 23/6/2010.
- Mahey, Sonia. The Status of Dalit Women in India’s Caste Based System. University of Alberta, http://www.dalits.nl/pdf/StatusDalitWomen.pdf. Accessed on 23/5/2010.
- Narayan, Badri.(2006) Women heroes and Dalit assertion in North India (Cultural subordination and the dalit challenge): Sage Publications, New Delhi.
- Pal, Mahi. (2004). Caste and Patriarchy in Panchayats. Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 39(32). pp. 3581-3583.
- Rani, Swaroopa. Challapalli. (1998). Dalit Women's Writing in Telugu. Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 33(17). pp. WS21-WS24.
- Sharma. J.K. Violence against Dalit women: A Human Right Concern, P.7, http://ijellh.com/violence-against-dalit-womena-human-right-concern, Accessed on 18/11/10.
- Status of Dalit Women: A Review http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/8562/8/08_chapter%203.pdf.Accessed on 27/10/10.
- Stephen, Cynthia. (2009). Feminism and Dalit Women in India. Counter Currents.org, http://www.countercurrents.org/stephen161109.htm. Accessed on 27/8/2010.
- Sowjanya, T. Understanding Dalit Feminism. p.3, http://tiss.academia.edu/SowjanyaTamalapakula, Accessed on 18/11/10).
- Thorat, Vimal. (2001). Dalit women have been left behind by the Dalit movement and the women’s movement’. Combat Communalism, https://sabrangindia.in/article/%E2%80%98dalit-women-have-been-left-behind-dalit-movement-and-women%E2%80%99s-movement%E2%80%99. Accessed on 23/11/2010.

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