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India- USA-China Axis and Co-Existence -A Policy Decision Analysis

Dr. K. Senthilkumar

Volume: 14 Issue: 2 2024


In the contemporary dynamic global order, shrinking sovereign nation-states prioritize the economical concerns than any other sphere. The hegemonic phenomenon still persists since from the origin of organized governance hitherto in the present century at various levels in differed forms. The Multi-polar system in the aftermath of the 9/11 catastrophe and its eventual action-oriented drastic policy decisions ended with both successive trials and as well as fiasco concerned with the existing state system. Deterrence and diplomacy function together in attaining the targeted decisions. The exhaustion and exploitation of natural resources around the nations of the world made think-tanks and great minds to explore and delve deep into the unexcavated sectors of human capacity. It is startling observation here to mention that most of the human inventions in the science and technology in the modern era serves as an element of curse in the annihilation of entire human community.In global sphere China’s supremacy over south china sea and as well as its progressive actions related with Maritime silk road irks America which unleashed radical policy decisions for protecting its interests at mega level. That said, the initiative of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and its founding members from European countries adds fuel to the fire. String of Pearl theory related with India also creates a stir upon the minds of policy makers of India and as well as USA.Albeit of odd government in China, its progressive performance in economic sector is always the cause of concern for neighbors and countries at distant. It took seven decades in the erstwhile USSR for completing the experimentation with Communist revolution. Although China is nearing the same tenure we may not imagine the similar fate for the dragon nation. Nonetheless the deterrence effect of China’s can never be under estimated. In this junction this piece of work is an endeavor is to focus upon the dynamic policy of USA in the Asian continent and as well as to caution about the Indian security to be strengthened by aligning with USA and other similar partners.

DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrssh.v14i02.001

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