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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671





Volume: 4 Issue: 2 2014

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It may be argued that there exists, in human nature, a dichotomy of the will. It has been suggested by Eckhardt that the instincts of compassion and compulsion battle constantly for higher ground, arguably representing man's two strongest drives.' The 'rightness' or "wrongness" of either goes unquestioned. The value judgements placed on them relate only to the circumstances under which they are manifested. All men, be they pacifist or pugilist, sociable or sociopathic, display both traits. The trait of compulsion is present in everyone, and so, through rationalization, it has been woven into the fabric of normative morality. Thus, in spite of the fact that compulsion is wrong and compassion is right, it is not the uncompromisingly compassionate who are highly regarded in our society, but those who can (according to faulty, biased cultural norms) accurately assess which situations and/or people call for wrath, and which for benignity—and who have the power to exercise their judgement. Harshness towards those who oppose one's interests (individually and internationally) is acceptable and expected behavior. The world has accepted individuality and competition as a natural human trait and assigned nobility to those who use it well.

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  • Naidu, 'Dimensions of Peace,' Peace Research 18 (May 1986): 3. lbid. Ernest Jokl, Medical Sociology and Cultural Anthropology of Sport and Physical Friucation, (Springfield: Bannerstone House, 1964), 10. Naidu, 4. lbid. lbid., 22. Jok1.
  • J.H. Green, 'Competitive Sport, Morality and Education,' Research Papers in Physical Education 3. (December 1977)
  • Earle Zeigler, Physical Education and Sport Philosophy (Englewood Cliffs: PrenticeHall Inc., 1977), 132.
  • Brouwer, Wytze. 'A Survey of Peace Education in Canada.' Peace Research 18 (May 1986): 25-37.
  • Eckhardt, William. Compassion. Oakville, Canadian Peace Research Institute, 1972. Eckhardt, William. 'Integrating Peace Research, Peace Education, and Peace Action.' Peace Research 20 (January 1988): 65-77.
  • Jokl, Ernest. Medical Sociology and Cultural Anthropology of Sport and Physical Education Springfield: Bannerstone House, 1964.
  • Naidu, M.V. 'Dimensions of Peace.' Peace Research 18 (May 1986). 3-24.
  • Nash, Jay B. Physical Education Dubuque, Wm. C. Brown Company Publishers, 1948. Simon, Robert L. Sports and Social Values. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1985.
  • Webster, Randolph W. Philosophy of Physical Education Dubuque, Iowa: William C. Brown Co., Publishers, 1965.
  • Zeigler, Earle F. Physical Education and Sport Philosophy Englewood Cliffs: PrenticeHall Inc., 1977.

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