Welcome to International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & HumanitiesE-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671 IMPACT FACTOR: 8.561 |
Appasaheb Jingounda Patil, Dr. Mukesh Yadav
Volume: 4 Issue: 3 2014
It has been argued that gender has an impact on food choice and doing behaviour decisions. The majority of females are responsible for the weekly food shop hence this should influence their interaction decision, especially when the female is interaction on behalf of the family unit . Women are reported to have higher intakes of fruits and vegetables, higher in takes of dietary fibre and lower intakes of fat than males. Wardle, Haase, Steptoe, Nillapun, Jonwutiwes, and Bellisle have supported this research, stated that women were more likely to avoid high fat foods. More likely to be dieting and placed a greater importance on healthy food. Age has an influence on doing behaviour in the shape that different age groups have different needs. In comparison to younger people, the elderly Human eat lesser and make different food choices. A series of focus groups accomplished by chambers, has shown differences with food choices decisions between age groups. They further stated that 60 plus age group to be more likely to make food choices based on health considerations, on the other hand, those 18-30 are more likely to base their decisions on their knowledge of the food, how it is prepared as well as how much it costs and the time constraints associated with it. It can be a matter of debate that both family and household influences affect Social doing behaviour. Families include of individuals related by blood, marriage, adoption and emotional commitment. However a household is different to a family, in that it can be defined as a person or group of co-habiting persons who jointly manage time and money budgets. A spending priority can get affected by a family structure in the sense that a mother will be influenced to some extent by what her husband and children like to eat, and may do things for them she would not consume for herself.
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