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Welcome to International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & HumanitiesE-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671 IMPACT FACTOR: 8.561 |
Meena Pandey, Dr. Swarn Lata Sharma
Volume: 4 Issue: 3 2014
The total time required for administering the test is 35 minutes in addition to the time necessary for giving instructions. Picture Construction Activity; this action presents the subject with two easy geometrical figures, a semi-circle and a rhombus and requires him to construct an elaborate picture using each figure as an integral part. Originality and elaboration are emphasized to make novel picture and give details as he thinks necessary. 10 minutes are allowed for the two tasks. The titles may also be scored for verbal elaboration and originality and the scores added to the verbal achievers score obtained on the verbal achievers’ test. The scoring of titles, however, is optional. Picture construction has long been used as a measure of child’s creative thinking. Torrance has used this test in his battery of achiever’s tests but in a slightly different manner. Here the subject is provided with a fixed structure, which he can convert into meaningful picture, by building on his own imagination. Incomplete Figures Activity; this activity consists of 10 line drawings which could be made into meaningful pictures of different objects. The subject is asked to make a picture, which no one else in the group will be able to think of. The subject is given 15 minutes for the 10 items. Each item is scored for elaboration and originality. Triangles and Ellipses Activity; in this activity the subject is provided with 7 triangles and 7 ellipsis and he is required to construct different meaningful pictures based on the two given stimuli. As the subject is here encouraged “to make multiple associations to single stimuli” the responses could be scored also for elaboration and originality. The author of the test suggests that the test user should confine him to elaboration and originality scoring alone. A total time of 10 minutes is allowed for this activity
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