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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671




Pramod Kumar Nayak

Volume: 1 Issue: 1 2011


To prevent an organization from becoming “stranded on the mudflats of an obsolete ideology” one must become a champion of change. The literature on the subject indicates that the nature of the change is secondary to the perceptions that employees have regarding the ability, competence, and credibility of senior and middle management. Change is inevitable in organizations, irrespective of whether it is reactive or planned. It is of strategic importance that organizations anticipate the need for change and take the necessary steps to manage the situation before it is imposed on them (planned or controlled change), rather than only to react the change when it occurs (reactive change).To manage change effectively, we need to be aware about the factors responsible like Who, What, Why, When, etc. of change and moreover need to know that there are other stakeholders who are going to be affected by these changes. We need to take them into confidence and should involve them in making the changes successful. This paper is an attempt to find out the factors responsible for change and to analyze the importance of change in organizations.

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