Welcome to International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & Humanities

E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671




Dr. T. V. Surendranatha Reddy

Volume: 5 Issue: 2 2015

Receiving Date: | Acceptance Date: | Publication Date:


The novels of Indian women mainly deal with the Indian middle class woman’s sufferings, frustrations, social agitations, and their stillness as a means of communication. Their novels are portraying the sufferings and the struggles of women. Their women are occupied with the difficulties of fulfillment and self-definition in a man’s world, the conflicting claims of self-hood, wife-hood, and mother-hood. They focus principally on the psychological searching of inner mind of women. These writers being women enter deep into the inner mind of the depressed women by virtue of their feminine sensibility and psychological insight and bring to light their issues, which are the outcome of Indian women’s psychological and emotional imbalances of the society. The women novelists articulate the feelings and suppressed emotions of women. They have expressed their own viewpoint, attitude, agonies, and their reactions towards the maleoriented society, its customs and traditions and enslaving attitudes. The oppression, lack of freedom to carry out their will, lack of freedom to carve out their career, de-recognition of their decision-making capacities, exposure of their potentialities in a limited manner are some of the issues that have come up in the novels of these writers. The women writers like Kamala Markandaya, Shashi Deshpande, Anita Desai, and Githa Hariharan have chosen the problems and issues faced by the women in the male dominated world as the main theme of their books. They try to create awareness that this is the time to proclaim with definite precision. In India, the women writers’ contribution is immense.

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  • Hariharan, Githa, The Thousand Faces of Night, New Delhi: Penguin,1992
  • Hariharan, Githa, When Dreams Travel, Picador: Macmillan publishers, 1999

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