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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671




B. Paul Vinofer, S.Rajakumar

Volume: 6 Issue: 1 2016


Air conditioning system is necessary in automobile to maintain the comfort condition. Therefore it is important to study transient response of vehicle under real driving conditions. The Heat Balance Method (HBM) is used for estimating the heating and cooling loads which develops inside the vehicle cabin. The Load Calculation of Automobile Air Conditioning System is calculated and presented. An hourly cooling load is calculated in Tirunelveli region with respect to its latitude. Tons of refrigeration required is also found out from the cooling load calculation and a review on cooling load calculation is also presented. This study gives overall cooling load and AC power consumption which can be used by HVAC engineers to design more efficient car AC systems. Only by knowing the cooling load and source of thermal load, we can develop intelligent system to reduce AC consumption.

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