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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671




Dr. Kuku Panyang

Volume: 7 Issue: 1 2017


The AAPSU movement in its earlier phases was very focused on their objectives with utmost zeal and commitment. But by the passage of time and changes in political scenario and emergence of various political and non-political actors, its movement no longer remains undiluted. There is mushroom growth of community based student‟s organization. It is eroding the sanctity and integral nature of AAPSU. One or the other community try for the promotion of their respective community based organization. Further the motive and orientation of AAPSU is also seemed to be changing gradually. The recent AAPSU leadership is said to be political and non-committal. They are no longer confined themselves to student centric issues. They take up and give press releases on all issues undermining their established aims and objectives. They are seemed to be deviating from their core charter of demands. Another thing that creates ripples in AAPSU is the conspicuous electioneering sponsor by the politician. Huge amount of money is financed by the politician for one candidate or the other in AAPSU elections with a motive to gain favour in the general election. Furthermore, the prominent AAPSU workers remain active with a strong inclination towards joining political parties. A number of AAPSU workers have joined in party politics. Even some active political party workers have been placed by the politicians in AAPSU leadership. So there is clear vindication of political interference in the working of AAPSU. Finally, the matter of corruption and money making by political leaders and bureaucrats have not been highlighted in a vigorous way. So there is possibility of having tacit understanding between the student leaders and politicians.

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