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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671




Leepakshi Rajpal, Mayank Vats

Volume: 7 Issue: 1 2017

Receiving Date: | Acceptance Date: | Publication Date:


This paper primarily focuses on the Stridhan and the Property rights of a woman. It continuously focuses on the various aspects of the Stridhan. It commences with the introduction to the concept of Stridhan and where it came from. As it moves on it discusses the object and scope of Article 14 of the Hindu Succession Act. It also discusses in detail the nature and the object of Article 14 of the Hindu Succession Act. As it moves further in its approach, it discusses the meaning of the term property and acquired property as well. It also discusses the meaning of the term Possession and that it is different from ownership. It talks about the various aspects of the Stridhan and the women's estate. It discusses in detail the powers of a Hindu female over her woman's estate. It then discusses the different ways from which a woman can acquire a property or what are the various sources of a woman's property. It moves on to discussing the recent and the latest judgements that have been passed in or opposite to the condition of women. Last but not the least, the paper concludes with the certain set of recommendations and suggestions regarding how the status of women, when it comes to the succession of the property can be enhanced and elevated to the level of men and that the position of women be brought equal to men, as far as the succession rights are concerned

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  • Black's Law dictionary on the meaning of the term 'Property' http://thelawdictionary.org/property/
  • Black's Law dictionary on the meaning of the term 'Acquire' http://thelawdictionary.org/acquire/
  • Black's Law Dictionary on the meaning of the term 'Possession' http://thelawdictionary.org/possession/
  • Section 14 of the Hindu succession Act,
  • ILR 37 Pat 496
  • 1959 Supp 1 SCR 968
  • Hindu Law of Marriage and Stridhan, (3rd Ed.) 280.
  • Dr. Paras Diwan, Family Law, Woman's Property, p.453
  • (1916) 43 I.A. 207.
  • AIR 1969 Mad 187
  • AIR 1982 Ker 137
  • AIR 1970 SC 1963
  • AIR 1971 ALL 515
  • AIR 1970 Raj 285
  • AIR 1982 P& H 372
  • AIR 1987 SC 2394
  • AIR 1971 SC 745
  • AIR 2009 SC 636
  • AIR 2009 SC 2561
  • AIR 2008 SC 1467
  • AIR 2008 SC 500

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