Welcome to International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & Humanities

E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671




Ahmed Jalil Mohaisen

Volume: 8 Issue: 3 2018

Receiving Date: | Acceptance Date: | Publication Date:


The aim of the research is to know the role of Total Quality Management in achieving the high performance of the employees working in the Rifai silo department in DhiQar governorate. The study also aims to provide some recommendations that help the organization to improve the efficiency of its management, which plays an important role in developing skills, The second hypothesis is that there is a statistically significant relationship between the applications of TQM and high performance. It has been used The following statistical methods were used to analyze the data (percentages, frequencies, arithmetic mean, standard deviation). Finally, key conclusions were reached through the study, including that the organization holds courses or training programs during the year that include all levels of management for the purpose of doing business well and raising and maintaining overall performance in the organization.

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