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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671




Hazim AbdulKadhim Hussein Al-Attabi, Prof. Dr. Fadhil Zamil Al-Janabi.

Volume: 9 Issue: 1 2019


The Objectives of the present study. The present study aims to identify: 1.The degree of emotional attention among the students of the university ofWassit. 2. Statistical differences in emotional attention among university students according to gender and major. The Methodology. The present study has adopted a descriptive approach. Community and model. The community of the present study consists of students from the university of Wassit for the academic year (2016/2017), morning studies, males and females, scientific and humanities. The tools. The researcher has used the following tool after confirming its validity for measurement through the calculation of its validity and stability using the appropriate methods and procedures: Measuring emotional attention. The researcher has built a tool consisting of two main dimensions to measure emotional attention: Attention to emotions: The scale includes ( 17) items. Visual emotional attention: The scale is of two lists. Statistical methods: The researcher has used the statistical program (Spss) in the analysis of the results of the present study. The researcher has adopted the statistical tests that fit with the objectives of the present study: descriptive statistics, the test of one sample, Kay square test, and analysis of binary contrast without. The results: The results of statistical analysis using the statistical program (Spss) have resulted in the following results: ▪Students of the university ofWassit have the ability to pay attention to their feelings significantly, while they have a low degree of visual emotional attention. •There have been no statistically significant differences in the degree of attention to feelings that can be attributed to the gender variable, while the results indicate that there are statistically significant differences in the degree of emotional and visual attention due to the gender variable for female students.

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