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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671




Lina Salam Farouq, Asst.Prof. NadyaKhairy Mohammed Said.

Volume: 9 Issue: 1 2019


Language as a tool of communication has multiple functions. One of these functions are employing different speech acts such as ‘Complaint’. The act of complaining occurs at home and institutional environment in different shapes every day. The present study aims at identifying the types, strategies, and the directive acts of complaints, which are most, employed in the contemporary tragedy one act play.Weinbach’s (1987) and Trosbrog’s (1994) models of the analysis concerning the strategies, and directive acts of complaint with some modifications through an eclectic model are presented in this study. Results of the analysis ofthe tragedy one act play ‘The End of Summer’concludes that ‘Explicit Complaint’ is most frequently used strategy. On the other hand, ‘Request for Repair’ has the dominance as a directive act of complaints, comparing it to ‘Threat’,which comes up infrequently in this one act play.

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