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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671




Asso. Prof. Dr. Tala Assim Faiq

Volume: 9 Issue: 1 2019


The role of nuclear armament is one of the topics that are of great strategic importance. The role has many concepts and definitions which confirmed that the role is a concept related to the studies of humanity and psychology.On the political side, the foreign policy maker is expected to see the main areas of his country, by using his influence and his perception of the main motivations of his country's foreign policy, the function he can perform, and the role has a group of characteristics to be effective and influential,the role is affected by the economic, military and political capabilities, either nuclear armament, it is also linked to a variety of internal and external factors that affect the effectiveness of states and armament is the cornerstone of the power of the state, and the possession of nuclear weapons is an influential factor in the foreign policy of states,and in order to talk about the nuclear weapons race, we should address to nuclear energy and clarify its concept, where its divided into peaceful nuclear energy and martial nuclear energy . Studies show the importance of nuclear weapons as a tool to resolve important wars. Nuclear weapons have developed the world's major power,the concept of the nuclear test, which means the detonation of a nuclear weapon in any environment to test the effectiveness of nuclear weapons, has been demonstrated. Nuclear experiments are aimed at achieving a set of objectives that have been addressed in the research. At the conclusion of the research, a set of conclusions is reached, as the terms of role, nuclear weapons and nuclear energy are of great importance in international and strategic studies. This affects the status and effectiveness of countries at the regional and international levels.

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