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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671




Dr.Prof. WaleedAbood Mohammed al-adulaimi, Dr.Prof SuaadHadi Hassan al-Taai

Volume: 9 Issue: 1 2019


The developments witnessed in Iraq in the thirties of the fourth century AH. - the tenth century AD., the importance of exceptional in historical studies, as researchers, especially those interested in Islamic history, highlighted the most important stages of these developments and the changes that included the political, economic, social and cultural aspects. In the confusion of the Abbasid State (132- 656 AH. / 750-1258 AD.), which witnessed its worst stages and the general discontent and rebellion against it, Iraq witnessed a disturbance in its general conditions during the reign of the Caliph (Abu al-Qasim Abdullah Ibn al-Muktafi Ibn al-Mu'tadid, (Mustakfi bi-llah 333- 334 AH./944-946 AD.), which led to serious repercussions, which greatly affected the change in its public features, as they took away the princes (Buwaihids 334-477 AH. / 946- 1055 AD.), after entering Baghdad in the (11 Jumada al-awwal 334 AH. / 19 January 946 AD.) And extending their influence on Iraq, most of the powers of the Caliph and seized his legitimate rights, and did not remain for him but his nominal influence.

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  • Naji Maarouf, The Introduction to the History of Arab Civilization, 1st.ed., (Baghdad, Ministry of Education Press, 1961), p.27; Fasili Vladimirovich Partold,the History of Arab Civilization , Hamza Taher(tr.),4th.ed., (Cairo, Dar al Maaref,1966),p.205; A.S.Tritton,The Caliphs and their Non-Muslim Subjects, 2nd.ed. (London, Frank Cass & Co., 1970), p.3.
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  • Miskawaih., Op.Cit., p.87.
  • Abu al-Hasan Ali ibn al-Husayn ibn al-Masudi(+349 AH./957 AD.),Murujadh-dhahabwama'adin al-jawhar ,vol.4,((Cairo, al-Sa'ada Press, 1891),p.273; Ibn al-Athir., Op.Cit., p.314;Gregorius of the MeltiIbn al-Ibri (+ 685 AH. / 1286 AD.), Brief History of the States, 1st.ed., (Beirut, Catholic Press, 1958), p. 167.
  • Almutahar bin Tahir al-Maqdisi, albad' waltaarikh (Attributed to),(Paris, Bertrand Press, 1916), p. 126;Ali bin AnjabIbn al-Sai (+ 674 AH. / 1276 AD.), the author of the news of the caliphs (Cairo, the Emiri Press, 1891), pp. 82-83;Abu Kamal Kamal al-Din Mohammed ibn Musa al-Dumeiri (+808 AH. / 1405 AD.), hiatalhayawanalkubraa, vol.1, (Cairo, Al-Istiqama Printing Press, 1968), p. 92.
  • bu al-Hasan Ali ibn al-Husayn ibn al-Masudi, at-Tanbih wa-l-'Ishraf, (Cairo, Dar Al-Sawy for printing and publishing, 1916), p.346.
  • Al-Jawzi., Op.Cit., p.357; Abdul Aziz Al-Douri, Studies in the Late Abbasid Ages, (Baghdad, alsarian Press, 1945), p. 259.
  • al-Sabi., Op.Cit., p.136; Mohammed Hussein al-Zubaidi, Iraq in the Buwaihi Age - political, administrative and economic organizations, 334-447 AH. / 945-1058 AD., (Cairo, Dar alnahda alarabia, 1969), pp. 38-39.
  • It is a locality in Baghdad adjacent to the Dar al-Rum, named after some of the Shamasi Christians, and built the Caliph Harun al-Rashid (170 -193 AH. / 786-808 AD.) Two bridges. Abu alfarj Abd al-Rahman ben Ali ibn al-Jawzi, manaqib Baghdad (Baghdad, Dar alsalam Press, 1923), p.20;Yaqut ibn-'Abdullah al-Rumi al-Hamawi (+626AH./ 1228AD.), Maejam albuldan,vol.3,( Beirut, Dar Sader, 1956),p.361; Safi al-Din Abd al-Mu'minIbn al-Haqq (+ 739 AH. / 1338 AD.), marasidal'iitlaeealaa 'asma' al'amkinatwalbiqae, vol.2, 1st.ed., (Beirut, Dar Al-Maarifah, 1954), p. 810.
  • al-Sabi., Op.Cit., pp.136-137.
  • Ibn al-Jawzi., almuntazam fi tarikhalmuluk., p.357; Ibn al-Athir., Op.Cit., p.357; Ibn al-Ibri., Op.Cit., p.167.
  • Abu al-FidaImad Ad-Din Ismail bin Umar bin Kathir (+774AH./1372AD.), Al-Bidāya wan Nihāya fi altaarikh,vol.11,( Cairo, Al-Sa'adaPress,N.D.), p. 237; Miskawaih., op. Cit., pp. 1818-189; al-Hamadani., op. Cit.,vol.11.p.218; Ibn al-Athir., Op.Cit., p.357.
  • Miskawaih., Op.Cit., p.239; Ibn al-Athir., Op.Cit., vol.7, pp.21-22.
  • Maurice GodfroaDembin, The Islamic Systems, Faisal Al-Samer and Saleh Al-Shamma (tr.), 2nd.ed., (Beirut, Haddad Press, 1961), p. 129;Farouk Omar Fawzi, History of Iraq in the Arab Islamic Caliphate Periods (1-665 AH. / 622-1258 AD.), 1st.ed, (Baghdad, aldaaralearabia, 1988), pp. 300-301;Mohammed Mesfer al-Zahrani, The System of the Ministry in the Abbasid State - The Covenants of al- Buwaihi and Seljuk's (334-590 AH.), 1st.ed., (Beirut, Al-Resalah Foundation, 1980), p.21.
  • Miskawaih., Op.Cit., p.327; Farouk Omar Fawzi, Islamic Systems, (Baghdad, aleayn Press, 1983), p. 33; Abdul Aziz Al-Douri, Studies in the Late Abbasid Ages,p.251; Mohammed Maher Hamada, Political and Administrative Documents Of successive Abbasid Ages (247-656 HA. / 816-1258 HD.), 2nd.ed., (Beirut, alrisala Foundation , 1982), p.360.
  • Al-Douri., Studies in the Late Abbasid Ages, p.251; Fawzi., History of Iraq, p.298.
  • Miskawaih., Op.Cit., pp.327-328; Hamadani., Op. Cit.,vol.1,p.428; Ibn al-Athir., Op.Cit., vol.7, p.45; Amir Hasan Siddiqi, Caliphate and Kingship in Medieval Persia, Islamic Culture, vol.10, (Lahore, Shaikh Muhammad Ashraf, 1942), P.116.
  • Al-Maqdisi.,Op.Cit., p.26; Abu Mohammed Ali bin Ahmed bin SaeedIbn Hazm (456 AH. / 1063 AD jawamiealsyrat and five other letters, (Cairo, Dar Al-Maarifah, N.D.), P. 379; Hamadani., Op. Cit.,vol.1, p.432; Mohammed ibn Abd al-RahmanIbnKhaldun (808 AH. / 1405 AD.), aleibarwadiwanalmubtadawalkhubr fi 'ayaamalearabwaleujam walbarbarwamineasirihim min dhwyialsultan al'akbar,vol.3,pt.4, (Beirut, The Lebanese Book House and the school library, 1986), pp. 891-892.
  • Ali Hosny Al-Kharboutli, Islam and the Caliphate,( Beirut, Dar al Alkutab And Dar Beirut Printing and Publishing House, 1969), p. 163.
  • Ibn al-Tiqtaqi., Op.Cit., p.233.
  • Abu al-Khattab 'Umar ibnAbi Ali bin Hassan bin Ali bin Dahih (933 AH. / 1235 AD.), alnabras fi tarikhkhulafa' banialeabbas (Baghdad, Al-Ma'arif Press, 1946), p. 126; Ibrahim Hassan, History of Political, Religious, Cultural and Social Islam, vol.3, I6th.ed., (Cairo, The Al Nahda almisria Library, 1965), p. 46; SuhailZikar, History of the Arabs and Islam Since before the revival until the fall of Baghdad, 4th.ed., (Damascus, Dar al-fikr, 1982), p. 320.
  • Shams al-Din Abi Abdullah Mohammed ibn Ahmad bin Uthmanadh-Dhahabi (+ 748 AH. / 1347 AD.), vol.1, aleibar fi khabar min ghabr, (Beirut, Dar al Kotob al ilmiyah, N.D.), p 164; Zayn al-Din 'Umar ibnMuzaffar, Ibnalwardi (+749 AH. / 1348 AD.), tutamattarikhalmukhtsr fi akhbar albashari,vol.1,2nd.ed.,( Najaf, Houria Press,1969),p.414.
  • Hamadani., Op.Cit., vol.1,p.266; Ibn al-Athir., Op.Cit., vol.7, p.45; Fawzi., History of Iraq, p.283.
  • Ibn al-Athir., Op.Cit., vol.7, pp.60-62; IbnKhaldun., Op.Cit.,pp.895-896; al- Qalqashandi., Op.Cit.,p.321.
  • Miskawaih., Op.Cit.,vol.3,p344
  • Abu Mohammed Abdullah bin As'ad al-Yaf'i (+ 768 AH. / 1366 AD.), marataljannanwaeibratalyiqzan fi maerifat ma yaetabirbih min hwadthalzammani, vol.2, 1st.ed., (Hyderabad, dayiratalmaearifalnizamiat Press,1919),p380.
  • Hamadani., Op.Cit., vol.1,pp.454-455; Ibn al-Athir., Op.Cit., vol.7, pp.80-81,90; Ibn al-Ibri., Op.Cit.,p.117; Taqi al-Din Ahmad ibn Ali ibn al-Maqrizi (+845 AH. /1441 DA.), al SeloukLeme'refattDewall al-Melouk,vol.1,pr. 1, 1st.ed., (Cairo, Press of the Committee of Composition, Translation and Publishing, 1958), p.28.
  • It was established by Abdullah bin Hamdan, and included Mosul and most of the Euphrates, and was able to restore the power Adud al-Dawla Buwaihi to eliminate its influence in Mosul and the island of Euphrates in 367 AH. / 977 AD., but it remained in the Levant until 402AH. / 1011 AD., ThenThe Prince (Salih ibn Mirdas 416- 420AH. /1025-1029DA.) Managed to impose his control On Aleppo and its elimination. Miskawaih., Op.Cit.,vol.2,p.382; Hamadani., Op.Cit., vol.11,pp.454-455.
  • Miskawaih., Op.Cit.,vol.2,p.382; Ibn al-Athir., Op.Cit., vol.7, pp.92-93; Fawzi., History of Iraq, p.288.
  • It was founded by Imran ibn Shahin, a village of Aljamdah in the bottom of the city of Wasit, and when he became more dangerous and threatened, sent Mu'izz al-Dawla Army under the leadership of his father Abu Ja'far al-Saymari, but managed to escape and the threat again after the death of Imad state and the disruption of conditions in Shiraz. And thereafter, Mu'izz al-Dawla sent an army under the commander, Ruzbahan, but he failed to eliminate him. The state was forced to hold peace with him and the Emirate of al- Batihah, but soon he broke the peace to continue stirring up sedition and unrest. After the death of Imran the state tried to eliminate his empire but failed to do so until the reconciliation with Hassan bin Imran and the political conditions of the great strife between his sons in 408 AH. / 1017 AD., and remained outside the obedience of the Abbasid Caliphate after the end of the Seljuk domination in 590 AH. / 1115 AD., so she returned to them. Miskawaih., Op.Cit.,vol.2,pp.119-120,129-131,409,248; Hamadani., Op.Cit., vol.11,p.369,373; Ibnalwardi., Op.Cit.,vol.2,pp.421-422; Fawzi., History of Iraq, p.274.
  • Miskawaih., Op.Cit.,vol.2,pp.397,409-412; Ibn al-Athir., Op.Cit., vol.7,p.99; Ibnalwardi., Op.Cit.,pp.421-422.
  • Miskawaih., Op.Cit.,vol.2, pp.417-418; Abu al-HusaynHilalibn al-Muhsin al-Sabi, almuntazie min kitabalttaji fi 'akhbaraldawlaaldiylimiya, (Baghdad, Dar alhuriya, 1977), p. 32; Zahr al-din Ali ibnMoḥammedIbn al-Kazaruni (+ 697 AH. / 1297 AD.), Muhtasar al-tarih: min awwal al-zamanilamuntahadawlatBani al-Abbas, (Baghdad, Ministry of Information Directorate General Culture,N. D.),P.192.
  • Miskawaih., Op.Cit., vol.2, p.418; ibn al-Jawzi., almuntazam fi tarikhalmuluk, vol.1,p.100.
  • A neighborhood in Baghdad between Rusafa and the Al-Mu'ali River. The house, which is inhabited by Buwaihids and Seljuk's, was behind the Mosque known as the Sultan's Mosque. This name was named after (mukhram bin the days of the descent of the Arab villages before the reconstruction of Baghdad. yazid bin sharih bin mukhram bin malik). Where he visited this area during Al-Hamawi., Op.Cit.,vol.5, p.71; Ibn al-Haqq., Op.Cit., vol.3,p.1239; Mustafa Jawad and Ahmed Sousse, Baghdad's Planning in its Various Ages (Baghdad, Kolbenkian Foundation, 1968), p. 42.
  • Miskawaih., Op.Cit.,vol.2, p.396; al-Sabi, rusumdaralkhilafa, pp.136-137; Ibn al-Jawzi., almuntazam fi tarikh almuluk,vol.7,p.92; Siddiqi .,Op.Cit., pp.111-113.
  • Jalal al-Din Abd al-Rahman al-Suyuti, Tarikh al-khulafa(+ 911 AH. / 1505 AD.), 2nd.ed., (Baghdad, al-Ani Press, 1964), p. 407.
  • al-Sabi, rusumdaralkhilafa, pp.113-115.
  • Miskawaih., Op.Cit.,vol.2, p.414; Ibn al-Athir., Op.Cit., vol.7,p.102; Ibn al-Ibri., Op.Cit., p.171.
  • Ibn al-Athir., Op.Cit., vol.7,p.65; aleanzi., Op.Cit., pp.117-118.
  • Miskawaih., Op.Cit.,vol.2, p.414; Ibn al-Athir., Op.Cit.vol.7,p.102; Ibn al-Ibri., Op.Cit., p.172.
  • al-Suyuti.,Op.Cit.,p.408; Al-Douri., Studies in the Late Abbasid Ages, p.250.
  • al-Sabi, almuntazie min kitab alttaji, p.32; Fawzi., History of Iraq, p.300.
  • Mohammed ibn al-Hussein Abu Shujae (+ 389 AH. / 998 AD.), dhilkitabtajaribal'umam, vol.3, (Cairo, Industrial altamadun Company Press, 1916), p. 78; Ibn al-Athir., Op.Cit., vol.7,p.113; Ahmad ibn Yusuf ibn Ahmad alQarmani (+ 1019 AH / 1610 AD.), 'akhbaralduwalwatharal'awal fi altaarikhi,( Beirut, Alam al-Kutub, N.D.),p.171.
  • Abu Shujae., Op.Cit.,p.78; al-Suyuti.,Op.Cit.,p.409; Hassan Ibrahim Hasan, History of Political, Religious, Cultural and Social Islam, vol.3, 6th.ed. (Cairo, Al-Nahda Al-Masria Library, 1965), p.49.
  • Ibn al-Athir., Op.Cit., vol.7,p.115; Abu Shujae., Op.Cit.,p134; Abu al-Falah Abd al-Hayy Ibn al- Imad (1089 AH. / 1678 AD.), Shadharat al-dhahab fi akhbar man dhahab,vol.3, (Beirut, Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya,N.D.), p. 78.
  • Abu Shujae., Op.Cit., p.141.
  • Ibid., p.151; Ibn al-Athir., Op.Cit., vol.7,p.138; Ibnalwardi., Op.Cit.,p.428; Op.Cit., p.141;al-Suyuti.,Op.Cit.,p.410; Fawzi., History of Iraq, p.300.
  • Ibn al-Jawzi., Ibn al-Jawzi., almuntazam fi tarikh almuluk,vol.7,p.156; Abu Shujae., Op.Cit., p.201;Ibn al-Athir., Op.Cit., vol.7,pp.147-148.
  • al-Kazaruni., Op.Cit., vol.7,p.194; Ibn al-Athir., Op.Cit., vol.7,p.148; Ibnalwardi., Op.Cit.,p.430; al- Qalqashandi., Op.Cit.,p.314.
  • Abu Shujae., Op.Cit., p.202; Ibn al-Athir., Op.Cit., vol.7,p.147; Ibn al-Sai., Op.Cit.,p.85;Abd alRahmanSunbatQunito al-Arbali (+ 717 AH. / 1317 AD.),khulasataldhahabalmasbukmukhtsrsiasatalmuluk (Baghdad, Muthanna Library, N.D.), P. 260.

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