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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671




Alzahraa Sabah Al Chalabi

Volume: 9 Issue: 2 2019


The study aimed to show the extent of the interest of tourists in the website of the Iraqi Tourism board know the type of information that sought by the tourist and what are the best ways to obtain information when they choose the tourist destination in Iraq. The study was based on an Intentional random sample of 370 tourists using the website of the Iraqi Tourism board. A descriptive approach was used in the study. The researcher pointed to a number of problems that the study aimed to solve in the theoretical and practical aspects. some of these problems are: What kind of information is the tourist looking for when visiting the official website of the Iraqi Tourism board? and does the Iraqi Tourism board provide this information? Does the Iraqi Tourism board apply the technology of emarketing tourism to identify and attract tourists ? The hypothesis of the study focused on the lack of application of e-marketing technology on the website of the Iraqi Tourism board. The study reached many conclusions by the use of the SPSS program to analyze the questionnaire, the most importantof these conclusions are there is a weak role of marketing department in the Iraqi Tourism board in the management of the website and the lack of application of information technology on the site to provide the information required by the tourist. Finally, the study reached a number of recommendations were the most important: inculcate the role of information technology in tourism marketing and provide the information sought by the tourist.

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