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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671




Asia Thamer Hadi AL-Obeidi & Prof. Dr. Suaad Hadi Hassan AL-Taai

Volume: 9 Issue: 3 2019


History is full of many aspects of creativity which are the subject of study and research, Especially the history of an Al- Ashraf who descendants honored the each and the countries the land and morocco was one of the countries where Al- Ashraf were born. They were welcomed in morocco. They lived among the Berbers. They worked hard to fix their basic rules. They worked hard religion since they entered morocco in the cautery (3AH/ 9AC( until the century (7AH/ 13 AC), Many scientists have emerged from them. They played an important role in the regularity of morocco society through their great contribution to the prosperity of scientific life in morocco clearly and distinctly and had a participation, most humanities. Such as religions science, mysticism, the sciences of Arabic, grammer, literature, history and geography. As well as their work in natural sciences such as medicine, pharmacy and chemistry, Their contribution to this science was anew addition to the prosperity and activity of scientific life in the country, since it is not possible to study the culture of any country with out addressing the sciences that scientists have learned and knowledge of scientific centers. They also participated in political life they were commanders, soldiers princes, ministers, judges, writer, and other political administrative and military positions as well as the privileged position they have been fortunate to have in the rulers and the power men, Their enemies and factions have increased with the progress of clays and years and they have excelled in everything especially in the society, they were a role model in all walks of life and have a great impact, and they deepened the high moral values, They worked to help the poor, shelter the frightened ones, reclaim their rights from their oppressors and share the people in their public life and the details of their clay of joys and sorrows, and details of their day of joys and sorrows and defending their rights against their oppressors and finding the means to solve the conflicts between them and motivate them to rise and progress by cultivating moral values and motivate them to commit to religion and pray and to go to god in everything which made them a role model that everyone wants to emulate and they had a high position in the society.

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  • Ibn Abi Zar'at, Al-Anis the Singer, p. 89; Ibn Khaldun, al-Tabar, 6, p. 291.
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  • Mons, History of Geography, p. 167.
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  • Mounis, History of Geography, p224-225
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  • Mouns, History of Geography, pp. 205- 206; Hassan, al-Sharif al-Idrisi, p. 90; Mili, Aldo, The Science of the Arabs, Dar Al-Qalam, (Cairo, 1962), p. 46.
  • Hassan, al-Sharif al-Idrisi, p. 87; Department of Islamic Knowledge, scientists in Andalusia, Journal of Al-Faisal, (Saudi Arabia, 1990), No. (159), p107 .
  • Hassan, al-Sharif al-Idrisi, p. 85; Scott, Samuel Parsons, History of the Moorish Empire in Europe, Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, 1904, p. 461-462;Kimble, Geography in the Middle Ages, P.57; Zaimeche, Sicily, P.14; Mediaeval Sicily aspects, P.47-48 .
  • Toufan, Qadri Hafez, The Science of the Arabs, published by: Egypt Library, (Cairo, 1956), p. 188; Ahmed, Nafis, The efforts of Muslims in geography, translated by: Fathi Osman, D., (Cairo, DT), p.143 .
  • Mons, The History of Geography, p.225 .
  • Hassan al-Sharif al-Idrisi, p. 86, 90;Frances, Carney Gies, article Al-Idrisi And Roger’s, print edition of Aramco World ,Saudi , 1977, P.14-19 .
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  • Hassan, Zaki Muhammad, The Muslim Travelers of the Middle Ages, D. Mutt, Cairo, 1956, p. 64; Al-Jawari, Abdullah, Introduction of Arabs in Science and Industries, DMT, (Cairo, 1961), p. 244; Zaimeche, Sicily, P.13; Waern, Mediaeval Sicily aspects, P.47-48; Dunlop, D. M, Arab Civilisation to AD 1500, P.171 .
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  • Hassan, al-Sharif al-Idrisi, p. 83.
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  • Ibn Abi Zar'at, Sunni Ammunition, p. 48.
  • Al-Ghubarini, the title of know-how, p. 128.

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