Welcome to International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & Humanities

E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671




Asst. Prof. Dr. Bushra Nima Rashid

Volume: 9 Issue: 3 2019


Although news media are regarded as means of conveying truth and reality and considered to be based on such canons as "maintaining democracy" , seeking truth and reporting it , minimizing harm , spreading peace , standing against discrimination , serving public interest , and the like , in reality, are not followed by most of the journalists , hence news websites. Most of , if not all , news media, nowadays , are under the control of powerful entities , such as people or organizations funding them , politicians , advertisers ,and sometimes under the effect of , for instance , their own workers. The present study aims at highlighting the difference in conveying messages via news by the selected channels and it also aims at showing the main differences between the use of words in BBC and Al-Jazeera and to bridge the gap between the East and West media by using the methods of critical discourse analysis. However, the media became as a sub- branch of linguistics, which is called media linguistics. Media linguistics is the linguistic study of media speech. It studies the functioning of language in the media sphere, or the modern mass communication presented by print, audiovisual and networked media. Media linguistics is being formed in the process of differentiation of linguistics as a general theory of language, and its term turned out to be in line with psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, developmental linguistics, legal linguistics, political linguistics, etc.

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