Welcome to International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & Humanities

E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671




Urooba Issa Yasseen, Asst. Pro Bushra Saadoon Mohammed AL-Noori

Volume: 9 Issue: 4 2019


In an effort to be along with worldwide alterations ,Iraq entered in 2003 educational reforms to remove the plaints that resulted from displeasing with the then existing textbooks .But after more than decade of executing the reforms ,they do not seem to meet the expectations of the teacher ,learners and parents(Bader:2017.1).The present study tries to evaluate the intermediate school curriculum "English for Iraq". Because of the importance of the process of evaluation which is a kind of methodic valuating of the worth of clients utilizing them(Tomlinson:2011,p.xv), and the series "English for Iraq " is new and does not subject to evaluation so its evaluation will be rich addition to the educational area. Some teachers argue that , it involves inconsequential material with unrelated topic that never suit neither the pupils needs nor the teachers because it may hinder their promptness and ingenuity .They face many difficulties in teaching the textbook for example in using the method ,the audio records ,in preparing group work also the activities and the writing activities are too much on the part of the students and the different types of tenses that should be taught in each unit but some teacher consider it as a useful guide .Since the subject is related to the teaching of foreign language and desirable output is the linguistic proficiency in students so it is significant to evaluate the textbook depending on standard linguistic proficiency

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