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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671




Prof. Dr. W Adnan Abbas, A.D. Sana Abd Al-Ridha Manhal

Volume: 9 Issue: 4 2019


Architecture in Bilad Al-Sham and Al-Jazeara has alot of care and attention from the authority and its representative, And individuals of all kinds especially the rich people and the wealthy and Righteousness and piety. Being the mainstay of the urban movement at all times and places and an indicator of the development of nations and the advancement of its civilization, the Architecture has Constituents, And its human Constituents are no less important than their material Constituents in terms of the impact of the quality and value of Architecture works. In this research we will illuminating on the level of human Constituents and their impact in the urban aspects in Bilad Al-Sham and Al-Jazeara illuminating of a book Serious belongings by Ibn –Shaddad (684AH/1285AD) The content of these Constituents varied within this book according to their nature and importance in supporting urban work.

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  • . Ibn-Shaddad, Izz al-Din Muhammad ibn Ali (684AH/1285AD) , 'Serious belongings in the mention of the princes of Bilad Al-Sham and the Al-Jazeera', Invest.: Yahya Zakaria Ebarah, the Saudi Ministry of Culture, Damascus - 1991AD, Sec.1, Pa.1, Introduction p.10.
  • Ibn-Shaddad,S.S., Sec.1, Pa.1, p.10, Safadi, Salah al-Din Khalil ibn Aibak (764H/1363AD), Al-Wafi Bil-Wafiat, Dar Sader publications, (Beirut-1961), p.4 and p.189-190.
  • Ibn Khalkan, Shams al-Din Ahmad ibn Muhammad (d. 681 AH / 1269AD), Death Seniors and news of the sons of time, Invest.: Ihsan Abbas, House of Culture, (Beirut-1968),Sec.2, p.354.
  • Safadi, Al-Wafi, Vol. 2, p. 3 and Sec.4, p.189.
  • Mohammed bin Shaker bin Ahmed (d. 764 AH / 1363 AD), the eyes of the dates, Invest.: Faisal alSamer, (Baghdad-1984), Sec.21, p.357.
  • Ibn Katheer, Imad al-Din al-Dimashqi (d. 774 AH / 1372 CE), the beginning and the end, Invest.: Ahmad ibn Ali and others,Dar al-Ghad al-Jadid, (Cairo, 2007), Sec.13, p.305.
  • Noueiri, Shihab al-Din Ahmed bin Abdul Wahab (d. 733 AH / 1332 AD), the end of wants in the arts of literature, Invest.: Mufid Qamhiya, House of Scientific Books, (Beirut-2004), Sec.31, p.128, Ibn Euphrates, Nasser al-Din Mohammed bin Abdul Raheem (d. 807 AH / 1404 AD), History of Ibn Euphrates, Invest.Constantine Zureik, (Beirut - 1936),Vol. 9, Sec.1, p.33.
  • Safa'i, Fadlallah ibn Abi Fakhr (d. 725 AH / 1324 AD), Reading book The Deaths of Notables,Invest.: Jacqueline Sweileh, (Damascus - 1974), p. 145.
  • Ibn al-Shu'na, Abu al-Fadl Majd al-Din Muhammad al-Halabi (d. 884 AH / 1468 AD), Durr Elected in the History of the Kingdom of Aleppo, Catholic Press, (Beirut - 1919), p. 7
  • Ibn Shaddad, al-A'laq, Sec.1, Pa.1, p.171, the history of the king Al-dhaher, p.214.
  • Noueiri, the end of the wants, Sec.31, p. 128, Ibn Al-Furat, the history of Ibn Al-Furat, m 9, Sec.1, p.33.
  • Al-Bidayah, Sec.13, p.305.
  • Consider his translation: Ibn Khalkan, Wafieat AlA'aian, Sec.2, p.354, Ibn Shaddad, al-Alaq, Sec.1, s.1, p.10
  • Consider his translation: Ibn Khalkan, Wafieat AlA'aian, Sec.3, pp. 403-404, Thahabi, Shams al-Din Abu Abdullah Mohammed(D. 748 AH / 1347 CE), Tathkirat Al-hufadh, Ottoman Encyclopedia Printing Press, (Haydar-Abad, 1957), Vol. 4, pp. 60-96.
  • Consider his translation in: Ibn Shaddad, the history of King Al-thaher, p. 43 and p. 144, Alunini Qutb al-Din Musa bin Mohammed bin Ahmed (D.726 AH / 1325 AD), Thyl Mira'at ul Zaman, printing press Ottoman Department, (Hyderabad - religion 1954), Sec.3, pp.136-137
  • Al-Nuaimi, Abdul Qader Mohammed AlDimashqi (d. 927 AH / 1564 AD), Al-Dares fi Tareekh Al-madares, Invest.: Ja'far al-Muhsni, (Cairo, 1988), Sec.1, pp.191-192,Abdul Fatah, sanad Ahmed, Ezz al-deen Ibn shaddad Historical, Roaya Publishing & Distribution (Cairo, 2007), p. 83.
  • Safadi, Al-Wafi, Sec.1, p. 190.
  • Ibn Shaddad, Alalak, Sec.3, s.1, p.123, Noueiri, the end of Wants, Sec.3, p.356.
  • Ibn Shaddad, Al-Alaq, Sec.3, s.2, p.459, (The book is missing).
  • Baghdadi, Ismail bin Mohammed bin Amin alBabani Baghdadi (d. 1399 AH) Edah Al-Maknon Fi Al-Nyl Alaa Kashf Al-Dhunoon, corrected by Mohammed Sharaf al-Din Baltkaya and others, revival of heritage, (Beirut - No.T.), Sec.2, p.352. (The book is missing.)
  • Ibn Shaddad, Alalak, Sec.2, s.1, submitted p.27. (The work is still a manuscript preserved in India.)
  • Al-Dhahabi, Al-Ebar Fi Khabar Man Ghabr, Invist.: Abu Hajar Mohammed Said bin Bassiouni, (Beirut - No. T), p.356, Safadi, Wafi, Sec.2, p.4, Ibn Al-Shuhna,Al-dur,p.7
  • Ibn Shaddad, Alalak, Sec.1, s. 1, Al-Muqadimah, p. 1.
  • Ibn Shaddad, Alalak, Sec.1, s. 1, Al-Muqadimah, p.10-11.
  • Al-Hasan ibn Ahmad ibn Zimz (d. 726 AH / 1329 AD), schools of Damascus and their connection to mosques and baths,Invest.: Mohammad Ahmad Al-Dahan, (Damascus -1947) The book is located in 30 pages.
  • The student in the history of schools, Invest.: Jaafar al-Hassani, (Damascus-1948), the book is located in two volumes and includes 1497 pages.
  • Sham plans, Sec.1, p.12.
  • Ibn Shaddad, Alalak, Sec.1, s.1, Al-Mukadimah p. 38.
  • Journal of the Orient, Damascus -1934, vol. 32, pp. 504-506.
  • Ibn Manzoor, Abi al-Fadl Jamal al-Din Muhammad (d. 711 AH / 1311 AD), The Tongue of the Arabs, A Review and Investigation: Yousef al-Baqai and others, Al-Alammi Foundation Publications, Beirut-2005, vol. 2, pp. 2759, 2760.
  • The same source, p. 3760.
  • Fayrouz Abadi, Majd al-Din Muhammad ibn Ya'qub (d. 817 AH / 1419 AD), the surrounding dictionary, reviewed and took care of: Anis Mohammed and Zakaria Gaber, printed Dar alHadith, Cairo-2008, p 1141.
  • Dosi, Renhat, Arabic dictionaries supplement, commented on: Mohammed Salim al-Naimi, House of Freedom, Baghdad - 1976, c 7, pp. 56- 57.
  • Shakht, Heritage of Islam, translation: Hassan Habashi, Egypt -1960, c 1, p 358.
  • Tawfik Ahmed, History of Architecture and Islamic Arts, Modern Art Press, Egypt - 1970, Vol. 3, p. 1.
  • Dosi, The Arabic Dictionaries Supplement, Vol. 1, pp. 306- 308;
  • Akkad, Abbas, Islam and human civilization and other articles, edited by: Hassani Abdullah, Saida - DT, p. 143.
  • Al-Yawar, Talaat, Attributes of the Past and the Applications of the Present, Proceedings of the Symposium of Arab-Islamic Architecture, Publications of the Iraqi Scientific Society, Baghdad - 1999, p. 123.
  • Abdul Hamid, Saad Zaghloul, Architecture and Arts in the Islamic State, Victory Press, Alexandria - 1977, pp. 503-510.
  • Makers: The manufacturer is one of the industry craft manufacturer and workmanship and manmade hand, any skillful skillful maker of the work of the hands and man-made and woman makers as they had workmanship work in their own hands and earn them.
  • Ibn Shaddad, Izz al-Din Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Ibrahim (d. 684 AH / 1285 AD),Serious belongings in the mention of the princes of Bilad Al-Sham and the Al-Jazeera, the investigation: Yahya Zakaria words, printed by the Syrian Ministry of Culture, Damascus - 1991, c 1, s 1, p
  • Monastery of the King: It is a monastery of Antioch built more wood and at the bottom of the building of the people of the Turks of copper in the midst of harsh and crossbow.For more seen: Ibn Shaddad, Alaq, Ibn al-Shuhna, Abu al-Fadl Majd al-Din Muhammad al-Halabi (d. 884 AH / 1468 CE), Durr Elected in the History of the Kingdom of Aleppo,Commentary: Youssef Ben Elias Sarkis, Catholic Press, Beirut, 1919, p. 132.
  • Ibn Shaddad, Al-Aalaq, c 1, s 1, p. 299; Ibn alShinah, al-Dur, p. 132.
  • Constantine: Constantine the first great son of Constantine I, was proclaimed emperor at the death of his father in York in (306 AD) tended to Christianity and in the year (325 AD) called the Council of Nicea to convene, and thus created the idea of religious synods, and transferred his capital to Byzantium and rebuilt and named (Constantinople) (330 AD) is likely to be born around the year (288 AD), and his death was in the year (337 AD) seen: Ibn Shaddad, Alaalak, Sec.3, s.1, pp. 262, 263 and 264; Arabic facilitated encyclopedia, supervision: Mohammed Shafiq Ghorbal, Dar Al Alam and Franklin Foundation for Printing and Publishing , I 1, Beirut -1965, p. 1380.
  • Mayafarqin: It is the most famous city of Diyarbakir, which depends on it from the Roman buildings and was in one of its places a great village and had a pledge of allegiance from the era of Jesus (peace be upon him) and left a wall to the time of Yaqut Al-Hamwi (d. 626 AH / 1228 AD) seen: Yaqut Al-Hamwi, Shihabuddin Abi Abdullah Al-Roumi (d. 626 AH / 1228 AD), Dictionary of Countries, presented to him: Mohammed Abdul Rahman Al-Marashli, House of Arab Biology Heritage, Beirut - 1997, vol. 4, pp. 349 and 350.
  • Ibn Shaddad, Serious belongings in the mention of the princes of Bilad Al-Sham and the Al-Jazeera, investigation: ،Kalimat Yahya Zakaria, printed by the Syrian Ministry of Culture, Damascus-1978, c 3, s 1, p 265;
  • Ibn Shaddad, al-'Alaq, c 2, s 1, p. 58; see also: Ibn Asaker, Hafiz Abi al-Qasim Ali (d. 571 AH / 1175 AD), the history of the city of Damascus, printed Arab Scientific Academy, Damascus - 1954, c 2, p. 26.
  • Le Bon, Gustav, Arab Civilization, translated by Adel Zuaiter, Dar Al-Alam al-Arabi, 1st Floor, Cairo - 2009, pp. 155 and 156.
  • Same Ref.., P. 170.
  • Ibn Shaddad,Serious belongings in the mention of the princes of Bilad Al-Sham and the Al-Jazeera, investigation: Sami Dahan, Catholic Press, Beirut 1956, c 2, s 1, pp. 59 and 60; see also: Ibn Asaker, the history of the city of Damascus, c 2, p. Religion of Damascus (d. 774 AH / 1372 AD), the beginning and the end, investigation: Ahmed bin Ali and Abdul Rahman Fahmy, Dar al-Ghad alJadid, Cairo -2007, c 9, p. 147; Omari, Shihab alDin Ahmed bin Fadlallah (d. 749 AH / 1348 AD), the paths of vision in the kingdoms of the lands , Investigation: Ayman Fouad Said, French Institute, Cairo -1985, c 1, p. 184; Nuaimi, Abdul Qader bin Mohammed bin Omar Damascene (d. 927 AH / 1564), the student in the history of schools, investigation: Jaafar Al-Husseini, Cairo - 1988,, c 2, p 380.
  • Punk Sian: Baghi Sian bin Alp Arslan Seljuk, has assumed the rule of the city of Antioch in 479 AH / 1085 AD by the Sultan King just Celal state Malchshah Antioch still in his hand until the Franks came out in Muharram in 491 AH / 1097 AD, They besieged him and harassed him, and he begged the Muslims, but in the end he was defeated and fled from Antioch with a group of his Turkish horsemen. He fell from his horse during his escape and was killed by an Armenian man in the village of Armnaz, a village on the outskirts of Aleppo, and handed over his head to the Franks in Rajab that same year. For more seen: Ibn alAtheer, al-Kamil, vol. 2, pp. 2172-2179 and 2180;Abu al-Fidaa, abbreviated, Vol. 2, p. 210; Ibn al-Adeem, Zebda, pp. 133-135; Ibn Shaddad, Al-Alaq, vol. 1, s 2, pp. 378-389.
  • Ibid., C 1, s 1, p. 154;Ibn Shunah, Al-Dur AlMuntakhab, p. 88.
  • Ibid., C 1, s 1, p. 154;Ibn Shunah, Al-Dur AlMuntakhab, p. 88.
  • Al-Fi'i Al-Fi'i: He is Muhyiddin Al-Fu'i Barakat Bin Fares, the president of juveniles in Aleppo. He was first among the thieves, thugs and bandits, then he repented and assumed the presidency of Aleppo for his magnanimity, sufficiency and knowledge of the spoilers in the days of the state partition, Ak Sanqir. He extended his hand and sentenced the judges and the ministers and without them, who killed the minister, Abu Nasr ibn alNahhas, during the days of the Qassem al
  • Arbab: singled the Lord and is called in the language of the owner and the master and the mastermind and educator and values and Menem and reformer. Seen: Ibn Manzur, The Tongue of the Arabs, Vol. 1, Vol. 2, pp. 1420 and 1421.
  • Ibn Shaddad, Alaalak, c 2, s 2, p 73.
  • Varieties: the collection of the word type, which is the kind and multiplication of the thing, and varieties and classes and classification distinguish things from each other, and classification of the thing make it varieties, Valfnv range of everything and each kind of things separately. See: Ibn Perspective, San Arabs, vol 1, c 2 P. 2248.
  • Bachoura: This is a building with bends between the two fortresses, which hinders the attack during the siege and war, making it difficult to control the country. Seen: Dahman, Muhammad Ahmad, Dictionary of the words in the Mamluk era, Damascus - 1990.
  • Ibn Shaddad, Alaalak, c 2, s 2, p 73.
  • Beholder: He is the keeper, a word from the eyes of any good eye, and a man of perspective and perspective and Nador and counterpart is the master seen by his people doing what I comply with, which is the counterpart of any vanguard. Seen: Ibn Manzur, The Tongue of the Arabs, Vol. 2, p. 3953.
  • Ibn Shaddad, Al-'Alaq, vol. 1, s 1, p. 233.
  • Direct: a word coming from the initiator of the matter, ie, the guardian himself and directly to bring it yourself and followed by yourself.Seen: Ibn Manzur, The Tongue of the Arabs, Vol. 1, p. 297.
  • Lieutenant: is the word coming from the necessary thing necessary and necessary and necessary inherent and a man required necessary thing does not leave and perpetuation, which is also the case. Seen: Ibn Manzur, The Tongue of the Arabs, Vol. 2, p. 3565.
  • The Glass School: It is the first school built inside the city of Aleppo for the Shaafa'is. For more seen: Ibn Shaddad, Alalaq, c 1, s 1, pp. 241-244.
  • Al-Sharif: The name of al-Sharif was given to anyone who was from the house of the Prophet (peace be upon him), whether he was a descendant of al-Hasan or al-Hussein (peace be upon them), or was generally Alawite. : ((Sharif in Baghdad title Abbasi, Egypt title all Alawi)). See: Enlightenment suspect suspect editing, investigation: Mohammed Ali al-Najjar, review: Ali Bejaoui, the Egyptian Foundation for authoring, translation and publishing, Cairo - dt, c 1, p 132.
  • Professor: is the teacher and professor of industry and its president, Farsa Astadoa, of which Asta in Turkish and Kurdish, and professors are known Khaddam and Tawashneh, and they had a great place in their country, including the employers of the special functions of the Caliph, and the seasoned veterans, who are turning their turbans on their throats . Seen: Ibn Taghri Bardi, Jamal alDin Abu al-Mahasin Yusuf (d. 874 AH / 1469 AD), The bright stars in the kings of Egypt and Cairo, Dar al-Kutub al-Masriya, Cairo -1950, c4, margin p. 82; , Al-Alaq, Vol. 1, Vol. 1, p. 82, Vol. 3, Vol. Dawla.Then he weakened and disappeared, then grabbed him, imprisoned and tortured him of various kinds of torture, then King Radwan was referred to his murder, killing him in 491 AH / 1098 AD, And handed over the presidency of Aleppo after him to Saed bin Badi. See more: Ibn al-Atheer, Izz al-Din Abu al-Hasan al-Jazari al-Shaibani (d. 630 AH / 1216 CE), complete in history, I take care of him and put his footnotes: Mohammed Arab, modern library, Beirut -2007, vol. 2, p. 2172;Ibn al-'Adim, Kamal al-Din Abu al-Qasim 'Umar ibn Ahmad (660 AH / 1262 CE), milking butter = = In the history of Aleppo, footnotes: Khalil al-Mansur, Scientific Books House, Beirut, 1996, pp. 138- 141;Ibn Shaddad, al-'Alaq, vol. 1, c. 1, pp. 188 and 298; c. 1, c. 2, p. 462;Ibn al-Shinah, al-Dur, p. 132
  • Mohiuddin Abi Al Maali:He is Mohiuddin Abu Maali bin Mohammed bin Yahya, the chief judge of Zaki al-Din al-Qurashi, Judge of the judges of al-Sham during the days of Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi (570-558 AH / 134-1159 CE),He was the first to mention the lesson in the Shafi'i Taqwa school in Damascus,His sons were also judges including Judge Zaki al-Din al-Hussein in Cairo and Alaeddin in Damascus.They were all buried after their death in the ancestral soil of Salhiya in Damascus. look:Ibn al-Hanbali, gold nuggets, vol. 5, p. 328; Ibn Katheer, the beginning, c 13, p. 257;Ibn Shaddad, al-'Alaq, vol. 2, s 1, pp. 235 and 319
  • Al-Saeed Hossam Al-Din:He is the happy king, Hossam Eddine Temirtash, son of Necmettine One of the princes of the State of elevation in Mardin was born in 498 AH / 1104 AD, His father took him to Aleppo in 512 AH / 1118 AD He owns the castle of Mardin after the death of his father Elghazi in 516 AH / 1122 AD and succeeded his brother Solomon on Mayafarqin,He participated in the war against the owner of Mosul Imad al-Din Zangi and was defeated in the war.He was buried in Mardin, where he was honored with an honor in Turkmen, intelligent and loving for scholars and literature distinctive like him thanks. Ibn al-Qalansi, Abu Ali Ali Hamza (d. 555 AH / 1159 CE), tail of the history of Damascus, opened: Amrodoz,Jesuit Fathers Press, Beirut - 1908, p. 329; Ibn Shaddad, al-'Alaq, vol. 3, s 1, pp. 54, 121, 133, 148, and s 2, pp. 432-445, 512, 543, 555, 556;Ibn Temri Bardi, Bright Stars, Vol. 5, p. 300; Al-Bandari, the text of the religion Fath ibn Ali (d 642 AH / 1244 AD) History of the State of the Seljuk, Encyclopedias Press, Egypt - 1900, p. 223;Zambauer, The Dictionary of Genealogy, Vol. 2, p. 345.
  • Qaraman Bridge: a bridge built by Husam al-Din ibn Artak in the year 541 AH / 1144 AD in Mayafarqin. Seen: Ibn Temri Bardi, Bright Stars, Vol. 5, p. 278.
  • Take over: It is a single coming from the state, such as the emirate and the victory and the union, and take some people sex industry and work and take over any necessary, and the prince and the work of such, took any work imitated. See: Ibn Manzur, The Tongue of the Arabs, Vol. 2, pp. 4358-4361.
  • Ibn Shaddad, al-'Alaq, c. 3, c. 2, p. 441;Ibn Temri Bardi, Stars, Vol. 5, p. 278.
  • Resident: It is a single coming from doing the opposite of sitting, determination and preservation and reform and stability in place and stand, any fixed does not advance or delay, and the strength of the order of any order and baptism and staffing which he does, and Mr. and politician command in a council. Seen: Ibn Manzur, The Tongue of the Arabs, Vol. 2, pp. 3353-3359.
  • Ibn Shaddad, Al-Alaq, Vol. 2, S 1, p. 62. See also: Ibn Asaker, History of Damascus, Vol. 2, p. 12; Al-Omari, Paths of Sight, Vol. 1, p. 185.
  • Raaban: A city in Al-Thaghour between Aleppo and Sumatat near the Euphrates in the capitals, where there is a castle under a mountain ravaged by earthquakes in 340 AH / 946 AD, and Saif alDawla implemented his cousin Abu Firas alHamdani with the army and re-building it in thirtyseven days. See: Sapphire Hamwi, Dictionary of Countries, vol. 2, p. 408.
  • Ibn Shaddad, al-'Alaq, vol. 2, s 1, p. 429;Abu Firas al-Hamdani, al-Harith bin Saeed bin Hamdan (d. 357 AH / 968 AD), Diwan of Abu Firas alHamdani, opened: Sami al-Dahan, Catholic Press, Beirut - 1945, vol. 2, p. 162.
  • Ibn Shukr: Abdullah bin Ali bin al-Hussein, the great minister Safi al-Din Abu Muhammad alMasri al-Dumiri al-Maliki, known as Ibn Shukr, was born in Demera, located between the city of Alexandria and Cairo in 549 AH / 1154 AD, and died in 622 AH / 1228 AD. Seen: Ibn Shaddad, al- 'Alaq, vol. 2, s 1, margin p. 77.
  • Ibn Shaddad, Alaalak, c 2, s 1, p. 77.
  • Ibid., C. 2, s 1, p. 77.
  • Ibid., C. 2, c. 1, p. 78; Abu Shama, Rawdatain, p. 183.

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