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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671




Fatima Karim Niema, Prof.Dr. Susan Saleem Dawood

Volume: 10 Issue: 1 2020


The school theater is one of the targeted activities, has educational and educational goals as well as recreational goals, and works to support the educational process and the educational aspect through directed theater performances, and its objectives are directed towards a certain segment are pupils, it also encourages talents and develops creative abilities to express and works on Breeding artistic taste and aesthetic sense of pupils and care of them from the physical, mental and emotional, which makes it an important tools in the formation of pupils culture, the problem of research and through field visits by researchers to a number of schools noticed TamamBaljmnstk in terms of performance in general in primary schools and artistic Almnmstnk in particular and the lack of activation of the use of school theater in schools and exploited in the education of students some skills, the researchers believe that the need has become urgent to use modern means, including school theater, which contributes to raise the level of performance for the learner, and aims Identify the effect of school theater on learning some skills of the ground movements mat Gnmstk artistic for the fifth grade of primary and the preparation of educational units include school theater and its impact on learning some skills of the ground movements mat Gnmstk technical grade Yesterday, the two researchers chose the experimental method to suit the nature of the problem. As for the research hypothesis, there are statistically significant differences between the pre- and post-tests of the experimental and control groups in teaching some of the skills of the ground movements mat. Skills on the ground movements in the artistic gymnastics for the fifth grade pupils either the sample of the research (10) pupils in the School of Noor Shams Elementary Mixed Baghdad / Karkh first, and the experiment was implemented The researcher was treated statistically by spss system that both methods of learning namely learning using the school theater as well as the method adopted by the school has achieved a result Moral in learning the skills of the ground movements mat under research since both methods used the method of explanation despite the different, but it gave the idea to the pupil about what the skill and its sections and points of interest, the researcher concluded that the use of school theater effective role in learning the skills of ground movements mat Gymnastic Through the experimental group's superiority over the control group in learning skills, the researchers recommend that the curriculum be prescribed because of the impact of this method in the learning of pupils and the speed of information access to them

DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrssh.v10i01.023

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