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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671




Raghad Shakir Deair, Afrah Abduljabbr Abdul Sahib

Volume: 10 Issue: 1 2020


In the late nineteenth century Kate Chopin distributed "The Awakening", a disputable novel that shed light on various social issues of the Victorian period and filled in as analysis of the brutal male centric belief system that deliberate a lady's worth dependent on her natural capacity to have children. Characters, for example, Edna Pontellier make ready for the writing another character, known as the "New Liberated Woman" (Richardson and Willis, 2001: xii), which was utilized to portray a lady that dismissed the role of a typical Victorian lady and joined the surge of another, engaged, increasingly masculine lady. In the assortment of articles entitled "The New Woman in Fiction and in Fact: Fin-de-siècle Feminism was portrayed the New Woman as an independent, masculine, educated, and intelligent woman who is rebellious and compliant at the same time"(Ibid.) She was professed to be a lady before her time, who questioned the organization of marriage, has sexual desires of her own, and turns out to be totally free of her husband. In this paper the previously mentioned character will be investigated so as to give a more profound and better comprehension of how the possibility of radical ladies is formed from the 1890s till the 1930s. The finding of the paper shows that the character Edna Pontellier , was viewed as a radical lady from her conversation , her activities of ignoring man controlled society and social limits toward ladies, a push to finish self-identity, self-rights, self-needs ,and her inward contemplated opportunity and self-independence from the social feelings and man's power over women.

DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrssh.v10i01.056

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