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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671




Alebel Adego Abebe

Volume: 10 Issue: 2 2020


The study was conductedto assess the practice of teaching reading skill of grade twelve at Fasiledes Preparatory School.Out of 910 students and 10 English teachers , six teachers and three hundred fourteen students were selected using simple randomsampling technique, lottery method in particular. The head of the departmentwho workedas a supervisorwas chosen purposively. The data were collected through questionnaire,interview and classroom observations. Fourteen closed ended questions consisting of Likert Scale type were administered to students and these items were again used for observation checklist. Each teacher was observed four times with a total oftwenty four observations and triangulated with students’ response and interview result of the supervisor. The data were discussed quantitatively and qualitatively. The data obtained from questionnaire of students was analyzed using percentages and mean values with the integration of observation results which was analyzed using percentages. The finding in thepre reading stagewith grand mean 2.2 which is less than the expected mean 3 indicated that teachers rarely implemented this stage. The mean values2.9 and 2.3 of respondents showed thatteachers practiced sometimes and rarely to while and postreading stages respectively. These results are also supported by the findings gained from interview and classroom observations. Generally,most teachers do not teach the three reading stages properly. Therefore, teachers should be given on job training about teaching readingskill. School supervisors should observe the practice of reading in the classroom and assist teachers so that there will be a better teaching learning process.

DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrssh.v10i02.004

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