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Welcome to International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & HumanitiesE-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671 IMPACT FACTOR: 8.561 |
Beidaa Jasim, Prof. Dr. Salam Hamid Abbas
Volume: 10 Issue: 2 2020
Speaking is the most crucial skill among the four skills since it is the one that every student needs to communicate with other students in the classroom and the teacher for the purpose of sharing ideas, feelings, and thoughts. On the other hand, students' capability to learn to speak is mainly related to their beliefs in their abilities and their own inner potentials since it determines whether they feel being efficacious or not. The current study aims at finding out the effect of 3-2-1 strategy on Iraqi EFL preparatory school students' speaking performance and self-efficacy. Sixty four preparatory school students have randomly been chosen (thirty two students in each of the experiential group and control group) during the academic year 2018-2019. To achieve the aims of the study, two instruments are utilized; a speaking test and a speaking self-efficacy scale. The statistical analysis of the data obtained by the two instruments indicate that there are significant differences between the experimental group speaking performance and that of the control group in favor of the experimental group. This study has inferred that utilizing 3-2-1 strategy can improve students’ speaking performance and maintains and reboots students’ beliefs in their self-efficacy to learn and speak the target language.
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