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Welcome to International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & HumanitiesE-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671 IMPACT FACTOR: 8.561 |
Amanah Iyad Salman, Prof.Dr. Hamid Abdul Nabi Al-Fatlawi
Volume: 10 Issue: 2 2020
The research included five sections, as the importance of the research lies in developing a training curriculum to know the extent of its effect in reducing the fatty component under the skin, as this method used specifically for the purpose of weight reduction for obese women ages (25-35) years, and the aim of the research was to prepare a sports program for obese women And identify the effect of the sports program on the physical variables of women, and the research assumed that there were statistically significant differences between the pre and post tests for some physical variables, and the sample included women who were randomly selected from women who wanted to lose weight in the Nutrition Research Institute and they number (18) Mother The researcher used the experimental method and conducted pre-test tests on 12/20/2019 and the training curriculum was applied three units per week, and dimensional tests were conducted on 20/2/2020 and then the results were statistically treated and the researcher concluded that the athletic program led to reducing the fat component of obese women in the measured areas and there is an effect Positive in body composition, and this was clearly demonstrated in body measurements, recommended to. Reduce the number of calories included in the diet from fat, and gradually increase the volume of training load through the number of iterations or groups in sports programs In the future.
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