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Welcome to International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & HumanitiesE-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671 IMPACT FACTOR: 8.561 |
Researcher: Abdul Rahman Tahershnaiter, Assistant Professor Dr. Nisreen Jasim
Volume: 10 Issue: 3 2020
The research through its chapters seeks to study the effects of strategic learning on financial inclusion in the context of the interactive role of financial transparency, Through the adoption of quantitative measures collected on the basis of the previous literature, for the purpose of collecting data from the research sample, which amounted to (120) views spanning over a monthly time series from (12/12/2018 -1/1/2009), they were intentionally chosen from the research community Represented by the Rafidain Commercial Government Bank in Baghdad, the fact that the variables discussed seemed more clear during that period, and that this bank is vital and controls a large proportion of the assets of the Iraqi banking system and works to support the requirements of economic development in the country and achieve stability in its financial system, as well as the use of personal interviews with managers The bank, which the researcher reported to support a problem For research and the practical side, the research adopted the descriptive analytical approach through employing the contents of deductive analysis in the field of theoretical framing and practical tests of the research model and hypotheses, and after evaluating and testing data quality and its compliance with moderate distribution and free from linear pluralism data was analyzed and hypotheses tested using appropriate statistical tools such as descriptive statistics to diagnose The level of the variables in the researched bank and the inferential statistics such as (simple and multiple linear regression equation for the test) The direct effect of the explanatory variables on the respondent variable as well as the role test Interactively with financial transparency through the path analysis method, using ready-made programs (SPSS V.24) and (Amos V.25). The results showed the validity of the influence relationships at the level of variables, and financial transparency and according to their levels according to Johnson-Neyman technology was able to modify the relationship between strategic learning and financial inclusion in the respondent bank.
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