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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671




Mohanad Abbas Hussein, Assis. Prof. Dr. SanaaAbdulraheem

Volume: 10 Issue: 3 2020


The research aims to identify electronic management as a concept and a system that can be applied in government service organizations represented by a group of directorates of the holy municipalities of Karbala to achieve creativity and excellence to reach strategic entrepreneurship, at the administrative, human, technological and financial level in these institutions. The researcher relied on the field study method as part of Those institutions to determine the main requirements available there and know the size of the obstacles that stand in the way of the implementation of the electronic management system, Where the questionnaire was adopted as the main tool for obtaining data, and questionnaires were distributed to(108)person in organizations, know how to manage the work of the departments according to the management system The electronic system and how it can benefit from the human mindsets, capabilities and resources of institutions in it through its , the questionnaire was analyzed by relying on statistical tools and methods using the ( SPSS-Ver.23 ) program ,The research reached several conclusions related to the theoretical and practical side, we mention, among them: that electronic management is one of the necessary applications for service institutions for the speedy completion of administrative and technical work and service projects in it, and it turns out that municipal institutions have shown widespread and significant interest in improving and developing electronic work for it, but they need To plan at the level of each institution in order to enhance electronic work.

DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrssh.v10i03.017

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