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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671




Ali Hamdan Mezher, Ass. Prof. Suheir Adel Hamed

Volume: 10 Issue: 3 2020


The current research aims to test the relationship of the impact of entrepreneurial leadership and its factors (strategic factors, communication factors, personal factors, motivational factors), among a sample of managers of companies of the Ministry of Water Resources, in addition to examining the level of interest of the researched companies in the research variable, its factors and stages, and undoubtedly In it, the research variable is important for the ministry and the research sample, given the challenges and rapid changes in the course of events, especially the factors of entrepreneurial leadership, and what it provides to the companies under research, so the research problem was to identify the level of practice and interest, and the companies ’ability to employ the factors of entrepreneurial leadership, and two research hypotheses were formulated.Their validity was confirmed by surveying the views of an intentional stratified sample (62) views, from workers in companies and who holds the position (general manager, assistant general manager, department head, division official and unit), and the researcher employed the exploratory descriptive approach, and used the questionnaire as a main tool to collect Data and application level recognition and relationship to the research variable. The sample responses were subject to descriptive and inferential statistical analysis via the AMOS V.25 & SPSS V.25 programs, and for the purpose of data processing. The researcher will work with statistical methods (ratios and frequencies, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, relative importance, relative difference coefficient, empirical and exploratory factor analysis, natural distribution, Pearson simple correlation coefficient, and simple and multiple regression coefficient). The statistical analysis has led to the availability of entrepreneurial leadership and its factors, In addition to employing the research companies to lead the leadership through communication and personal factors.

DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrssh.v10i03.018

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