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Welcome to International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & HumanitiesE-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671 IMPACT FACTOR: 8.561 |
Atheer Tahseen Ali, Prof. Dr. Ghani D. Al –Zubaidi
Volume: 10 Issue: 3 2020
This research aims to build a suggested model for succession planning for the purpose of preparing candidates for leadership positions and main jobs and building future leaders . the importance of this research is that it is one of the scarce Arab and Iraqi studies and research in this field, as it is one of the first researches that deals with a suggested model for succession planning to fittings the environment of Iraqi organizations . The research problem was represented by the absence of succession planning programs and the weak preparation of suitable candidates as replacements for the current leaders who occupy the leading and main positions in the Medical City Department, as the research sample included all department managers in the Iraq Medical City Department / General Administration , whose number is (8) eight department directors, and who have nominated (29) twenty-nine candidates for the succession planning program to fill the Administrative positions In the event of a vacancy in the future , and the researcher has adopted a case study method Because it collects more than one research method at one time, Data and information were collected using a succession planning model based on the matrix (traits - performance), in addition to questions of personal interviews and observations during field coexistence and official documents obtained during field visits to the organization, and the researcher depend the arithmetic mean and the percentage for solving Candidates data, and Most prominent results the findings of the researcher is the possibility of applying the suggested model for succession planning in the Iraq Medical City Department / General Administration
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