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Welcome to International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & HumanitiesE-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671 IMPACT FACTOR: 8.561 |
Prof .Ali Hasson Al-Taee, Lecturer Maysoon Ali Hussein
Volume: 10 Issue: 3 2020
The research aims to study the effect of human resource dynamic capabilities in succession planning stages, and the independent variable can include five types of dynamic capabilities, which are (sensing, understanding, integration, teamwork, resource reconfiguration), while the response variable effect in succession planning stages (stage of development of engagement Assessment of resource Babil Governorate Health Department was chosen as a study site and a sample of administrative leaders in this department was used (45 People make up 53% of the research population of (85) participants, and that the tool used in data collection was first and foremost a questionnaire and the data were processed using several statistical methods for testing. The effect of these skills in succession planning processes and the study ended with a collection of recommendations, the most relevant of which is the need to appoint hospital administration graduates to manage health organizations because they are more experienced in their organizations' administrative aspects.
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