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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671




Qusay Khamees Khalaf, Supervised by: Prof. Fadheela Salman Dawood

Volume: 10 Issue: 4 2020


The rapid environmental changes that have created many challenges and obstacles in front of organizations, which called these organizations to exit from the red ocean to the blue ocean (distinction and uniqueness) that makes them able to survive and continue in the competitive environment, and this requires finding leaders capable of achieving their pioneering performance. Therefore, the research aims to shed light on the role of leadership intelligence in the entrepreneurial performance of the organization under study. As the Ramadi municipality needs a questionnaire for these main and sub-variables to increase the effectiveness of its performance, as well as to gain the satisfaction of the public and workers through the role of leadership in it and motivating and directing workers, since these variables have a great role in achieving the goals of Ramadi municipality. A scale was built based on the questionnaire as a main tool in collecting information and data in addition to personal interviews in the municipality of Ramadi, and the assumptions that were selected were made according to statistical methods using the program (Spss. 25). An intentional sample consisting of (88) administrative leaders was chosen Technical and technical according to the law (De Morcan scale). The research reached the most important results, which is the consolidation of leadership characteristics in the surveyed sample, as it works to enhance the leaders ’self-confidence, gives them the possibility of insight and provides long-term future visions, and the leaders’ ability to draw future policies and strategic plans based on the extent The ability to understand the environmental complexities as well as to overcome the problems that may be exposed to it and then think in an organized manner through the creative capabilities and cognitive expertise that the manager possesses that help to exploit opportunities and avoid threats in a way that can achieve the goals of the organization.

DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrssh.v10i04.001

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