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Welcome to International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & HumanitiesE-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671 IMPACT FACTOR: 8.561 |
Waffa Talib Al- baher, Assis. Prof. Dr. Hala Hamad Magod
Volume: 10 Issue: 4 2020
Purpose – The researcher noticed the low production levels of some factories, including the yogurt factory, as well as the appearance of spoilage, and a delay in the production process, as well as the deterioration of the situation in the work environment inside the factories. From a decrease in the level of lighting, ventilation, energy, noise and other environmental aspects affecting the work environment. Here, the problem can be identified through a number of questions, namely: 1. Can some lean production tools be applied in the company's factories? 2. Does the lean production method contribute to the elimination of the problems experienced by the production process in the factories? 3. Does lean production contribute to improving the production process? Is it possible to apply some of the tools of sustainable and lean production in the yogurt factory? 4. How does the sustainable value map contribute to improving the production process in the yogurt factory. Design/methodology/approach - The study adopted an applied study approach in identifying the reality of the yogurt production plant in the General Company for Food Products of Abu Ghraib factories, identifying problems and their treatments and proposing appropriate solutions and their suitability for the subject of the study, through field visits to record observations, collect data, conduct personal interviews, inquire and analyze And to identify the production processes, the problems that occur, and the opinions of working individuals about dealing with those problems in the production process Originality/value – The senior management of the General Company for Food Products helps to build its production plans in a way that conforms to the trends of the times, and to adopt modern scientific methods in managing production processes within the factories. And The scientific importance of the study is reflected in the clarity of the impact and importance of spreading the culture of lean production, as an important method to achieve it in a production company, and the resulting reduction in rejected production, improving performance rates, reducing waste and pollution rates,
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