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Welcome to International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & HumanitiesE-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671 IMPACT FACTOR: 8.561 |
Ibtisamah Raad Ibrahim, Salah Abdelkader Al-Nuaimi
Volume: 10 Issue: 4 2020
This research included three variables (shared governance, strategic awareness) as independent variables (and barriers to achieving strategic objectives) as a dependent variable, and the first independent variable included six indicators (climate of governance, communication, joint decision-making, governance structure, role of the Board, role of the President) and the second variable included four main dimensions (diagnosis, evaluation, assimilation, response), and the dependent variable contained five types (institutional barriers, structural barriers). The opinion body in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research was selected as a sample of researc,The data was collected from (38 persons out of 42 representatives of the opinion body in the ministry) and they are (agents, advisers, university presidents, head of technical education, president of the Iraqi Council, head of the supervisory body). The approach used in the collection of data is the interview method for explaining the paragraphs of the questionnaire and its interlocutors This data was statistically processed using accepted statistical methods to analyze and evaluate the instrument of scale, use a correlation coefficient, natural distribution evaluate, Bartlett test, percentages, quantitative medium, standard deviation, variance coefficient, Bartlett Test, percentages, statistical tool, standard deviation, coefficient of variance, Pearson correlation coefficient, simple decline coefficient, study, T-test, to calculate the relationship and effect between the search variables, Significant results were obtained that showed a strong role in the relationship between the two independent variables and their impact in. the barriers to search.
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