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Welcome to International Journal of Research in Social Sciences & HumanitiesE-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671 IMPACT FACTOR: 8.561 |
Ali Adnan Hasan, Pro. Dr. Ali Hasoon Altaee
Volume: 10 Issue: 4 2020
The current research aims, to investigate the relationship between protean career and high performance in some colleges (Engineering, Sciences, Ibn Al-Haytham for Sciences) at University of Baghdad. The research also tries to provide consolidated recommendations that enhance to strengthening practice and adoption of the two variables in the observed colleges. The exploratory approach was adopted to analyze the date of the research based on out coming benefits for faculties, members, and college society. The research sample involved some professors at Engineering, Sciences, and Ibn Al-Haytham for Sciences colleges, the 55 questions of the conducted questionnaire was distributed to (313) professors. The valid questionnaires were (304) respondents who filled the 55 questions correctly. Personal interviews and observations were supported tools in order to enrich the ultimate resulted. The (normal distribution test, confirmatory factor analysis, building variables models, the arithmetic mean, percentages, standard deviation, relative importance, coefficient of variation, coefficient Pearson Correlation, Simple Regression Coefficient, Path Analysis, Sobel's Test, Aroian's Test, and Godman's Test) in the (SMART PLS V.23, SPSS V.23) programs utilized to test the research main and sub hypotheses. The most prominent result is correlations and influence relations between two variables of the research were positive and significant, some recommendations and suggestions were included at the end of the research to improve performance dramatically. https://eishockey-magazin.de/beste-plinko-casino-deutsch-2025-krypto-spiel-im-test-vergleich/archives/245980
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