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E-ISSN : 2249 - 4642 | P-ISSN: 2454 - 4671




Professor.Faris Karim Prihi, Lecturer.qahtan Lafta Atiyah

Volume: 10 Issue: 4 2020


In light of the financial globalization, the Iraqi Stock Exchange faces real challenges at both local and international levels which in turn reflected on the overall reality of economy and imposed the necessity of creating fundamental changes in terms of form and content. From this point stems the problem of the research regarding the ability of the Iraqi Stock Exchange to adopt the financial changes and transformations imposed by the financial globalization in light of the weakness of the economic structure and its position among the international economy. This research starts from the hypothesis that the Iraqi market for securities, in light of the financial globalization, has a great and an important role within the economic field through its role in stimulating the economic growth, and impacting the economic performance in light of the financial transformations imposed by the financial globalization. The study revealed that the financial globalization is an inevitable phenomenon that strongly imposes itself aiming to international integration and integration with the world which reflected its shadows on the increases in the number of shares traded, and the occurrence of some changes within the actions of the Iraqi market for securities. However, the market's role still limited to the national economy due to several problems such as the private sector weak contribution within the market, in addition to the novelty of the Iraqi experience regarding the work and actions of securities' markets, the absence of investment awareness , the low income and the lack for a successful policy that encourages investment, as well as the low rates of economic growth due to the economic and political instability the country witnesses.

DOI: http://doi.org/10.37648/ijrssh.v10i04.028

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